[E1]The senator’s remark that she is ambivalent aboutrunning for a second term is ________ given the extremely_________ fund-raisingactivities of her campaign committee.
(A) disingenuous ..reluctant (B) futile ..clandestine (C) sincere ..visible (D) persuasive ..apathetic (E) straightforward .. energetic
[E2]The senator's attempt to convince the public thathe is not interested in running for a second term is_________ given theextremely _________ fund-raising activities of his campaign committee.
(A)futile...clandestine (B)sincere...visible (C)specious...apathetic (D)disingenuous...public (E) straightforward... dubious
我们首先来看第 一道题目,前面说她说自己对于下一次矛盾的说法是_______,考虑到强烈的______ 的筹款。如果说他对下一次恨矛盾的说法是真的,那么他一定没有在筹钱;如果他关于下一次恨矛盾的说法是假的,那么他肯定是在筹钱。所以我们可以判断出,这两个空格应该是联动的,而且是反义的,可行的组合只有
那么E1中合适的词语只有D选项,他的说法很哟说服力,也就是真的,apathetic的是一种消极,是第 一个组合。
如果我们记住了第 一题,做E2就会立刻选错,因为在第二题的选项中可行的组合只能是D,变成了(假的,积极筹款)。一个是说真话,一个是说假话。这证明GRE的句子并没有天生确定的答案,完全取决于句子的意思和可能的选项,尤其是在双空题中,两个空格联动的情况在现在的新GRE考试中越来越明显。

[E1]Give he previouslyexpressed interest and the ambitious tone of her recent speeches, the senator’sattempt to convince the public that she is not interested in running for asecond term is ____________.
(A) laudable (B) likely (C) authentic (D) futile (E) sincere
[E4]The senator's attemptto convince the public that she is not interested in running for a second term isas________ as her opponent's attempt to disguise his intention to run againsther.
(A) biased (B) unsuccessful (C) inadvertent (D) indecisive (E) remote
答案是:D B