考研英语,大众考生的第 一反应便是从英语词汇入手。记住学会一个单词不仅仅是拼写重点掌握的还有这个词的词性,各种语境下的语义。小编分享“2021考研英语词汇备考:big的中文意思”内容,希望能给备战2021考研考生提供帮助~
adj. 1.(体积、程度、数量等)大的,巨大的 2. 年龄较大的 3.[only before noun] 重大的;严重的 4. 庞大的;宏大的 5. 大受欢迎的;成功的 6. 热衷于…的;狂热的 7. 经常(或大量)做某事的
adv. 1. 宏大地,夸大地,成功地; 2. 给人印象深地
n. 1. 大人物,巨头;庞然大物;大企业,大公司 2. [the bigs]【美】【俚】大球会(美国两大职业棒球协会之一);有势力的组织,重要组织 &diams big sth/sb up 高度赞扬;极力推荐
词形变化形容词 biggish
形容词比较级 bigger,biggest
副词 bigly
名称 bigness
单词分析 这些形容词均含“大的”之意。
英语解释 prodigious in a boastful manner exhibiting self-importance (of animals) fully developed marked by intense physical force in an advanced stage of pregnancy given or giving freely on a grand scale extremely well in a major way very intense feeling self-importance above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent loud and firm generous and understanding and tolerant significant conspicuous in position or importance
例句 This is the biggest department store in the city -- you name it, and they've got it. 这是这座城市里大的百货公司;你要什么就有什么。
Look at those pretty little girls' dresses' is ambiguous,because it is not clear whether the girls or the dresses are `pretty'. ‘看看那些漂亮的小女孩儿的连衣裙’这句话有歧义,因为不清楚是‘小女孩儿’还是‘连衣裙’是‘漂亮的’.
The big iron gates were swung right back to let it through, while Pockmarked Li supervised the operation in stentorian tones 两扇方铁梗的厂门一齐开直了,李麻子在旁边照料,吆喝他的手下人。
The big old monster greedily accepted my dime, and I heard the bottles shift.On tiptoes I reached up and opened the heavy door. 那个“老巨人”贪婪地吞下我的硬币,我听见了瓶子移动的声音。我踮起脚尖伸手摸索着打开了它厚重的门。
As they talked, the younger woman could almost smell the tantalizing aroma of purple lilacs hanging on the big bush outside her parents'back door 在她们通话的当儿,年轻女人几乎可以闻到悬垂在父母亲后门外大灌木丛上的紫丁香醉人的芬芳。

Often life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well. 大都市外面的生活步调往往是缓慢得多,这在
big commerce, big circulation and big market are aimed at in the development of coastal cities. 大商业,大流通,大市场,是沿海城市发展的目标。
Here Aeneas consulted the oracle of Apollo and received an answer, ambiguous as usual… 埃涅阿斯去询问阿波罗的神谕,得到的回答照例是模棱两可…
People around the world are talking about the big triangle composed of the Soviet Union, the United States and China. 世界上都在说苏、美、中“大三角”。
Faint and dizzy, he worked to bring the big fish nearer with each turn 老人感到头晕目眩,但他尽力把大鱼在每转一圈时拉得更近一些。
big with 怀着...的,充满着...的 eg.The woman is big with child 那女人怀着孩子 big on 热衷于 喜欢 be big of 慷慨,大方,好心 be big on 热衷于,偏爱… big big gastrin 大大胃泌素,巨大胃泌素 big big wolf 灰太狼 Big Ben 英国议会大厦塔楼上的大钟 Big Board 纽约证券交易所 big talk 大话,吹牛,言过其实的谈话 in big strides 大踏步地,突飞猛进地
big adj. 1.(体积、程度、数量等)大的,巨大的 2. 年龄较大的 3.[only before noun] 重大的;严重的 4. 庞大的;宏大的 5. 大受欢迎的;成功的 6. 热衷于 liebigite 铀钙石 bigamy n. 重婚,重婚罪 bigg n. 大麦之一种 biggish a. 较大的,颇大的 bighearted a. 宽大的,慷慨的 bigshot n. 权贵之人,大亨,大人物 bigtime a. 大规模的 Denbighshire 登比郡[英国威尔士原郡名] disambiguition 澄清