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学习经验 普通专升本

2020年01月13日 11:30:55
Passage 2
1.The status given to waiters in a restaurant varies in different parts of the world.For example, in some places working as a waiter is seen as having low status, like being a servant. In other places, it is viewed as a useful and important role and people who do the job well are respected.
2.Eddie Lam has been a waiter for four years and clearly thinks he has a good job. He is proud that he knows how to give good service to guests in the restaurant where he works. "I enjoy learning about people-their likes, dislikes and their moods. I make an effort to show them that I care,"he explains. "It takes experience to understand how to make someone happy."Eddie knows that when he talks about his customers, it may sound like he is talking about his friends or his family. "There are actually many similarities in the relationship, although the relationship between waiter and customer may only last a short time,"he laughs.
Eddie Lam已经做了四年服务员,并且很清楚地知道他拥有一份好工作。他为自己知道如何给他所在餐厅中的顾客,良好的服务而自豪。“我很享受了解人们-他们喜好的,他们厌恶的,还有他们的情绪。我努力去向他们展示我很在乎这些,”他解释道“这需要一些经历才能了解到如何使别人开心。”Eddie知道他当他谈到他的顾客时,可能会听起来像是他在谈论他的朋友或家人。“这样的关系中有很多相似性,虽然服务员与顾客的关系可能只会持续很短一段时间,”他笑道。
3.Eddie believes that waiters have to be very observant. They need to notice quickly when a customer is bothered, for example, if they don’t have a knife, or if they want a glass of water. It is also important for them to recognize when someone is in a hurry or when a couple want to be left undisturbed for a while. And all thisshould happen without the customers realizing; they just get what they want. He points out that when service is good, the customers are often not aware of it.However, if customers receive bad service in a restaurant, they usually react very quickly.

4."I suppose the tips left by customers are part of my financial reward,” says Eddie, “but I also get a lot of satisfaction just from seeing customers relaxing and enjoying their meals."
40.Eddie Lam thinks that he gets______ .
A.rewards and meals from his boss
B.a lot of money from his customers
C.both money and happiness from his job
D.little money but more satisfaction from his job
题干的中文翻译为:Eddie Lam认为他得到了______。
从文章后面一段可以看出,Eddie Lam在工作之中得到很多的满足感,消费反而不是重要的因素。这一内容与C选项相同。ABD选项都和原文不符,所以排除。正确答案就是A。



