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学习经验 考研

2019年12月26日 11:27:02
机会、机遇:opportunity/ chance
等待机会:wait for opportunities to knock
寻找机会:hunt for opportunities
创造机会:create opportunities
愚者:the foolish/ fools/ a fool
智者:the wise/ a wise man
应对挑战:meet the challenges
担心犯错而拒绝尝试新事物:refuse to attempt something new for fear of making mistakes
将想法转化成行动:translate thoughts into action
宏伟的计划:the ambitious goal
难以企及的空中楼阁:the inaccessible castle in the sky
不遗余力完成任务:spare no efforts to complete the task
锲而不舍的行动:the persistent action
收获劳动的果实:harvest the fruits of one’s labor
幸福成功的人生:a happy and successful life
让美好的愿望变成美好的现实:turn beautiful wishes into a beautiful reality
将这种正能量传递给周围所有人:deliver this positive energy to everyone around us
切实的努力:solid effort

将想法转化为实实在在的成果:translate ideas into concrete results
在通往成功的路上:on one’s path to greatness
缩小……之间的差距:close the gap between...
终将一无所获:reap nothing in the end
没有脚踏实地的行动:without down-to-earth actions
付诸行动朝目标行动:take any action to move forward one’s goal
幸运垂青于有准备的人。Luck favors the prepared.
成功总是青睐于有准备的人。Success always smiles upon people who are well prepared.
As an old saying goes, “opportunities favor those who are well prepared”.
Staying put, people may never encounter hardships, but at the same time they will never create opportunities to realize their full potentials and their own dreams.



