语言 Language包括词汇,句型,修辞以及遵守语言规范等。复杂文本可能会选用一些比较生僻的学术词汇,或者是古旧词汇,句子结构可能也会使用一些非现代
When I was five, I would not go to bed willingly because something cameinto my room.
My sister Amy, two years old, was asleep in the other bed. What did she know?
She was innocent of evil. There was no messiness in her, no roughness for things to cling to, only a charming and charmed innocence that seemed then to protect her, an innocence I needed but couldn't muster.
Since Amy was asleep, furthermore, and since when I needed someone most I was afraid to stir enough to wake her, she was useless.
文中出现的“charming and charmed innocence”不仅自身很有艺术,也很值得学生玩味的,而对这两个词的理解直接影响文章第四题的选择。
抽象性 Abstr
“This Place pulls you down and holds you,” Sunday had said. “Delta, don’tyou see, it pulls you down and hold you, silent and safe.”
What Sunday said that night was condemnation of a place, but Delta absorbedit all. She was of Wake County and caught in that understanding of herself.Intoxicated with saying what had long been felt, they both spoke freely and allbarriers
fell. …
文中显然“being safe”对于Summer来说是“a bad thing”, 又提到Delta “was of WakeCounty”这些抽象的概念和思想的表达是考生理解Summer和Delta这两姐妹爱恨交织的情感纠葛的关键。
知识要求 Knowledge Demands

The world did not have me in mind. It was a coincidental collection ofthings and people, of items, and I myself was one such item—a child walking upthe sidewalk, whom anyone could see or ignore.
The things in the world did notnecessarily cause my overwhelming feelings; the feelings were inside me, beneathmy skin, behind my ribs, within my skull.
They were even, to some extent, undermy control.I could be connected to the outer world by reason.
If I chose, or I couldyield to what amounted to a narrative fiction, to a show in light projected on the room’s blue walls.