托福阅读做题规律,为大家在拿满分的路上扫清阻碍。 小编给大家整理相关内容,大家要认真看哦,一起了解吧!
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This implied that the city-state was based on the idea that citizens were not specialists but had multiple interests and talentseach a so-called jack-of-all-trades who could engage in many areas of life and politics.
规律1:句式A V that 从句,其中A V中,如果V没有明确的态度,往往并不重要。
Its godssuch as Zeus, father of the gods, and his wife Herawere thought of very much as being like human beings but with superhuman abilities.
Their worship was linked to the rituals connected with one’s progress through lifebirth, marriage, and death and with invoking protection against danger, making prophecies, and promoting healing,rather than to any code of behavior.
规律3:对于“列举”内容,可以冷处理 - 如果熟悉列举内容,大可一读;但如果不熟悉,可以只挑其中熟悉的读,或者不读,直接看列举展开前的成分。
Traditionally,this information has been derived from direct evidence,such as stomach contents, and indirect evidence, such as establishing a correlation between particular body characteristicsand diets of living animals and then inferring habits for dinosaurs.
规律4:and/or类连词并列成分的判断:要先看后面的词,再根据前文内容推测and实现的并列。如第 一个and,后面是indirect evidence,那么我们就可以去前文寻找词性、词义接近的词 - direct evidence.
These animals have flat teeth at the back of the jaw that are analogous to and have the same function as grindstones.
规律5:and可以并列两个谓语成分:are analogous to / have the same function as.
The duck-billed dinosaurs known as hadrosaurs are a good example of a group whose jaw joint is below the level of the tooth row, which probably helped them grind up tough, fibrous vegetation.

规律6:几个不同词性的单词出现在一起的时候,如果有不认识的单词,可以用认识的单词推断。比如grind up tough, fibrous vegetation.,如果我们只能读懂X up tough X vegetation,我们可以用up- 副词,完全地;tough vegetation,难咀嚼的植物,推断出整片语言成分的意思。
At one time, these were thought to represent embryonic animals,suggesting that this small dinosaur gave birth to live young ratherthan laying eggs.
规律7:可以通过副词、动词判断情感。Atone time, these werethought...非常强烈地暗示了,thought之后的内容,非常有可能在后文被转折。如果后文转折部分没有看懂,如果能读懂这部分也会极大帮助后文的理解。
Allthe evidence points to the conclusion that these are the remains of prey items and that, as an adult, Coelophysis was at least in part acannibal.
规律8:学术类词all the evidence points to the conclusion可以理解成:the conclusion is that
Fossilized stomach contents are not restricted to carnivorous dinosaurs.
规律10:“负负得正”,berestricted to有负面的意思,notrestricted to就可以表达正面的意思了,“不限于”。