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学习经验 四级六级考试

2020年04月11日 16:52:34
1、The wheels of the fast road vehicles were fashioned from crude stone disks.
(A) hand carved (B) roughly made (C) flat
2、Known as "The First Lady of Song", Ella Fitzgerald got her start as a professional singer when she won a contest at the Apollo Theater in Harlem in 1934.
(A) an award (B) an argument (C) a competition
3、A star begins life as a large ball of slowly rotating gas that contracts slowly under its own weight.
(A) deflates (B) weakens (C) shrinks
4. Mary Mapes Dodge exercised considerable influence on children's literature in the late nineteenth century.
(A) stylistic (B) great (C) personal
5. Iron is converted to steel by removing most of the impurities present in cast iron.
(A) altered (B) developed (C) reduced
6. When her parents started shouting at each other, Anna used to creep under the table and cry.
(A) crawl (B) fly(C) hop
7. The rapid expansion of cities during the Industrial Revolution created a housing crisis.
(A) avoided (B) brought about (C) aggravated
8. The works of novelist Joyce Carol Oates are moving chronicles ofcontemporary life in the United States.
(A) simultaneous (B) controversial (C) modern
9. The cerebellum is the section of the brain that coordinates the movements of voluntary muscles.
(A) executes (B) integrates (C) differentiates
roughly made 加工粗糙的
The roughly made bed on which he was born had no proper sheets and blankets. 他出生的那张粗造滥制的床上没有像样的床单或毯子。
a competition 竞赛
To them, life is a competition — they have to do better than their peers to be happy. 对他们来讲,生活是一场竞赛他们不得不超过他们的同类,才会感到快乐。
shrinks vi. 收缩;畏缩 vt. 使缩小,使收缩 n. 收缩
So if you have the same amount of income each year, your purchasing power gradually shrinks. 所以说,如果你每年的收入都相同的话,你的购买力则在逐渐缩水。
great adj. 伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的 n. ;大人物;伟人们

We have great expectations of him. 我们对他抱着很大的期望。
altered v. 改变(alter的过去分词) adj. 改变了的;蚀变的 n. 为参加短程高速汽车赛而改装的赛车
Have you altered your mind? 你改变主意了吗?
crawl vi. 爬行;匍匐行进 vt. 爬行;缓慢地行进 n. 爬行;养鱼池;匍匐而行
A child learns to crawl before he learns to walk. 小孩在学走路之前先学爬。
brought about 引起;使掉头
The public should pay to use highways, but such high rates have not only brought about suffering, they have inhibited economic vitality. 市民需要为使用高速公路而付费,但是这么高的费率,不仅带来了伤害,它也抑制了经济活力。
modern adj.现代的;当代的;近代的
In modern part, we put emphasis on two pieces of works of Su Tong and Li Bihua ( Hong Kong), and tries to discover the development of Chinese distaff literature in their movies. 当代部分,文章选定苏童与作家李碧华的两部作品与它们各自的电影文本进行比较分析,探究当代女性文学的发展脉络。
integrates v. (使)结合;(使)一体化;(使)合并(integrate的第三人称单数形式)
It seems to me though that whoever integrates the best across multiple devices and gets the highest quality applications built for their platform will be the winner. 不过,在我看来,无论是谁,只要它整合了跨多种设备中的好部分,并获得了好质量的平台应用的话,那么它就会是胜出者。



