考研英语二中的作文有两篇,其中一篇是应用文,这个比较简单,只要好好准备基本大家都可以拿到6、7分。第二种就是相对难一些的图表作文了。 在这部分,新大纲要求考生根据所规定的情景或给出的提纲,写出一篇150字左右的英语说明文或议论文。提供情景的形式为图画、图表或文字。大多数同学都会选择背一些高频核心词汇、常用表达、万用模板之类的,会非常有效。 除了学习技巧,熟悉考试作文的得分点与扣分点、好作文和差作文的区别也同样重要。了解这些,你才能站在的角度知道哪里该写什么,哪里不该写什么,这样你的写作技巧才能更上一层楼。以下是针对同一题目的两篇不同档次的作文,一起来看看:
【例文一】 The total product of tobacco was 14.364 billion pounds in1994. In 1995 the total product of tobacco in the world decreased to 14.2 billion pounds. The population of the world is 5.8 billion. The number of smokers is 1.1 billion, which is 20% of the population in the world. Every year 200 billion dollars is wasted owing to smoking and 3 million people die of smoking. From the total product of tobacco in the world we can draw a conclusion that the tendency of tobacco consumption is decreased. I think that there are two reasons. One reason is that more and more people realize that smoking is harmful for health and give up smoking. Two other one is that smoking is forbidden in the popular area in more and more countries. The two reasons lead to the decreasing tendency of tobacco consumption in the world.
【例文二】 It is said that smoking do harm. I really agree with it. Everyone in world the words that smoking is not good habit, at the same time, so many warns with the words “No Smoking” everywhere. But on the other hand, there is lots of people are fond of smoking. As a result, every year about 200 billion dollars are to smoking, as well as million people dies from it. How can these more than more billion people about one fifth give up smoking? It is always problem. In word, smoking is harmful, we should give up.
分析比较 一篇内容要点比较详细,对图表的描述、对趋势的预测及分析,数字表达正确,句式较为丰富,基本表达清楚了自己的意图,行文较为连贯,遣词造句方面有一些错误,词数符合要求。 而第二篇内容与题目要求部分有关,套用背诵的文章和语句不能灵活运用,比较生硬,可以看出考生自主表达时的语句结构与用词错误多且严重,文不达意,文章缺乏条理,内容胡乱堆砌,数字表达混乱不堪。 总结,对于图表的描述,尤其是带有数字的图表要准确将数字描写清楚 第二, 加强英语语法基础的学习,低级语法错误要避免 第三, 论据要充分,与图表现象关系密切,三条为佳 第四, 同学们背好的模板一定要灵活使用,切忌生搬硬套凑字数 下面是为大家准备的英文数字表达,一起来学习~
百 = hundred
千 = thousand
百万 = million
十亿 = billion
万亿 = trillion

100 = one hundred 一个逗号前的数字读成thousand 1,000 = one thousand 10,000 = ten thousand(1万=10千) 100,000 = >(10万=100个千) 第二个逗号前的数字读成million 1,000,000 = one million 10,000,000 = ten million(1千万=10个百万) 100,000,000 = >(1亿=100个百万) 第三个逗号前的数字读成billion 1,000,000,000 = one billion 第四个逗号前的数字读成trillion 1,000,000,000,000 = one trillion 大于200的英文? 200 = two hundred,hundred用单数,别问为啥,这是规则。
同理,300 = three hundred,4,000 = four thousand,五百万 = five million,80亿 = eight billion。 记好了,当说到具体数字时,hundred/ thousand/ million/billion统统都用单数! “几百”的英文怎么说? 几百 = hundreds of,你没看错,这里hundreds用复数啦!这也是规则,不是具体数字反而用复数。 同理,几千 = thousands of,更猛的是hundreds of thousands of = 几十万、很多很多的。 天底下哪有那么多整数给你数,所以还得会数整数的零头对不?你知道222的英文吗? 222 = two hundred and twenty-two。记住一条,数数时有且只有hundred后面跟and!