审题难度那么大,再加上雅思听力开始预留的时间也没多长,连一半都没看完听力就开始了,然后心态就崩了。 那么碰到选择题,该怎样才能做到:稳住,我们能赢呢?在接下来的文章中我们来细化分析一下雅思听力中短选项题的出题特点和答题技巧,大家不要担心长选项选择题,任何事情都是先易后难,在攻克了稍微简单的短选项选择题之后才有可能进攻更难的长选项选择题。
雅思听力学习:短选项选择题 雅思英语听力的短选项选择题的特点是选项短,一般由单个名词或者词组组成。这类短小而精悍的选择题,考生们碰到后只有一个感受,开心!那当然了,几秒钟就能审完题,关键信息一目了然,超easy。然而千万不要掉以轻心,题目短代表它在雅思听力内容当中的关键信息也是一闪而过,反而更需要集中注意力。并且,这些题目中的小细节也一定要注意,比如时态和一些表示时间的词:at present, currently,以及表示肯定、否定、强调的词,听力内容中会用不同的时态、反向的言论来混淆你。
再有,选项短了,说明题干中往往包含主要信息和信息,所以雅思学校审题时需划出题干中的定位词,定位词就是引导我们在雅思听力内容当中定位的。我们需要快速定位题干和选项中核心的名词信息,因为名词是很少被替换的,相对于形容词,动词等这类极易被替换的词来说相对靠谱一些。一般这种短选项选择题都在相对简单section 2 中出现,偶尔会出现在section 1 和section 3. 下面我们进入正文: 雅思听力短选项选择题出题特点大致可以分为三类: a.3 个选项中有两个原词重现,另外一个没有听到,则选择没有听到的,因为正确答案被同义替换。
Each walker's sponsorship money goes to one. A. Student B. Teacher C. School 原文:Last year we helped train teachers for the disabled, and this year we're focusing on the pupils. Each of the walkers' sponsorship money will go to help an individual special needs pupilin one of the mountain schools. 听力录音中有听到teacher 和school, 但是没有听到student, 因为student 被替换成pupil. b.3 个选项中三个原词重现,但是有两个是并列读的,则选另外一个,因为并列选项都不是答案。
The Semira Region has a long tradition of A. Making carpets B. Weaving blankets C. Carving wood 原文: The area has been famous for centuries for making beautiful carpets, although recently there has been a trend to move into weaving blankets and wood carving. 录音中making carpets 是自己读的,weaving blankets 和wood carving 是用并列词and 连接的,既然用and 连接,那到底选前者还是后者呢,其实根本不用纠结,答案当然是都不选啦。 c.3 个选项中三个原词重现,无并列选项,则需要听哪一个选项跟题干相关。
Where will the 4pm concert of Latin American music take place? A. in the museum B. in a theatre C. in a library 原文:They're performing in the central library at 1 o'clock, then at 4 it's in the City Museum, and in the evening, at 7.30, there's a longer concert, in the theatre. 雅思英语考试审题时注意题干中的4pm,录音中先出现central library 是1 o'clock, 然后提到4 in the city museum, 之后说的7.30 in the theatre. 三个选项都念了,没有并列出现,所以听的时候注意哪个跟题干的4pm 有关。

d.3 个选项都被同义替换(这种难),需要听懂替换,找出跟题干相关的选项。 When he graduates, James would like to A. Take a postgraduate course B. Work in the media C. Become a translator 原文: - Do you have any plans for when you graduate? A lot of students go on to take a master's degree. - I think the four years of the undergraduate course will be enough for me. I'm interested in journalism, and I quite like the idea of moving to Scandinavia and writing for magazines. I'd find that more creative than translating, which I suppose most graduates do. 这种题难度相对比较大,想要做对,需要听懂同义替换。这道题中,首先录音中的master 替换选项中的postgraduate, 然后journalism 替换media, 之后 translating 替换translator. 其次还需要知道主人公对读master 和translating 不感兴趣。