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2019年12月23日 21:15:32
电影和电视节目是否应该展示关于好人有好报,坏人被惩罚的内容。(good man being rewarded and bad man being punished)
3. 虽然可能会让人产生脱离实际的想法,但是可以通过教育人们电视和现实的差距来解决(让步)
People are attracted by various kinds of TV shows and movies every day. Some people prefer to watch comedies which can make them laugh and forget about the pressure in life; others prefer to indulge in science fictions to enjoy the beautiful imagination displayed in those TV shows and movies. However, when coming to the issue whether movies and TV shows should show that the good man is rewarded and the bad man is punished, people’s ideas vary. Though some people may favor the movies that are more neutral and show the complexities of the society, movies and TV shows, in my view, should definitely show that people get what they deserve.
To begin with, this kind of TV shows and movies could instill a good value to children. It is known to all that people get their values when they are kids and it is hard to change when they get older. Therefore, it would become extremely important for the TV to teach children how to behave, since kids tend to stick to the TV screen 10 hours a day. If TV shows and movies display that people, who steal from others, who treat others rudely, and who make money by cheating, turn out to live a good life without any punishment, it is hard to imagine that children will not follow those behaviors and try to make themselves as successful, which is going to turn the society into a disaster when those children grow up. However, if children find out that all the people who haven’t behaved properly in the movies and TV shows get what they deserve, they would understand that it is not correct to treat others badly or commit crimes even without being told and they would also choose to behave accordingly automatically.

Moreover, TV shows and movies that can make people relax usually attract a large audience. It is common for people to meet frustrations in their life, since it is hard to be completely fair in real life. For example, during a promotion competition about a sales manager, one employee may be a better candidate because of his good communication skills which are essential to this position, while another candidate may believe that she is more capable overall, like knowing all the products and even the mechanism of the products, though communication may not be her strength. If the first person gets promoted instead of the second one, the second candidate may feel it is unfair and the first candidate may become the bad guy who robs her of her position. In this case, she needs to relax herself through watching some TV shows and movies that show that all the bad guys are punished at the end, when she couldn’t actually punish her rival in real life. She could transfer her feeling of unfairness to the characters in the TV shows or movies and obtain fun from watching her rivals being punished to retrieve peace psychologically. Therefore, she can be attracted to this kind of TV shows and movies again and again to get more fun, which apparently is the same with many other people.
Admittedly, some people may argue that watching too many movies or TV shows like this may give people this wrong idea that it is natural for the good people to be rewarded and the bad people to be punished and will act more radically when they find out that the real world may not be like that. However, it is important to teach people that TV shows and movies are not real life, though they are normally based on and reflect real lives. People cannot just believe that the real life will be the same with what have happened in the shows when they have watched many movies and shows like this. They should learn that real life is much more complexed than what is shown on TV and they should only use TV as a way of entertainment, which could help them not only enjoy what the TV shows and movies could provide, but also stay clear-headed in the real world.
To conclude, it is important for TV shows and movies to show that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.



