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学习经验 考研

2019年12月15日 17:45:32
今天小编为大家汇总一下《散文 108 篇》中的一些英译汉词汇词组,上外在词汇与语法、完型填空、阅读理解、英语写作等题型中都会对基础知识进行重点考察。大家在平时的考研备考中,也要多注意加强基础知识的积累,考试可以用的上。
A chorus of… 异口同声地说… A decisiveset决胜局
A flight ofimagination 异想 A flurry ofinterest突然的兴致 A flurry ofsnow/wind 一小阵雪花/风 A gauge /yardstick to measure… 衡量…的标准 A glowing face红光满面/气色红润 A good-luckdumpling 大钱饺子 A grave insult极大的羞辱 A gust ofstrong wind howls around.强风咆哮 A hint of … …的痕迹/一丝… A meager meal 简单的一餐A mosaic /mixture of… A new addition to the list of endangered species 进入濒危物种的行列 A prize of excellence 优秀奖 A relapse ofglaucoma 青光眼复发 A riot of color万紫千红
brew an old andsimple flavor 酝酿着古老和淳朴的味道
Bridal veil头纱
Brighten one’slife (keep… out of shadow) 点亮生活
brim with vitality 充满生机
Bring … into play 实 现…
Bring … to one’s presence 带来
Bring oneself out in the open打开窗户说亮话
Brings tears to the eyes of … 使…热泪盈眶
Broad daylight 大白天
Brush/skim the waves掠过海浪
Brusque 粗暴的
Burrow into… 钻进,穿进
Burst forth 爆发
Burst into uncontrollablelaughter捧腹大笑
Bury one’s longings for… Calling card 名片
can’t help ending up… 逃不了…的命运
Carry oneselfand conduct matters 为人和行事
Cast out释放/绽放
1.apparent:强调显而易见或一想便知 例句:The apparent truth was really a lie. 2.obvious:语气较强,极为明显的,无需说明和论证 例句:You shouldn't tell such obvious lies. 3.evident:指根据事实成为显然的 例句:This fact is too evident according to what he said. 4.clear:普通用词,清楚明白的 例句:He gave us a very clear explanation. 5.plain:普通用词,与clear相近,plain着重简单明了的 例句:The plain truth is that he doesn't like you. 6.distinct:较正式用词,清楚的,明显的 例句:There is a distinct improvement in your spokenEnglish. 7.definite:语气肯定,明白无误的 例句:We demand a definite answer. 8.manifest :书面用词,一目了然的,无需推论 例句:It was their manifest failure to modernize thecountry's industries.

Rocker 摇椅 Rubble 碎石 Russet黄褐色 Sacrificialobjects随葬品 sacrilege亵渎 Sand sth. 磨砂/打磨/抛光 Say betweensubdued sobs 边哭边说 Scenicsplendor 风采 Scoop up… 舀起 Scowl at对...白眼,怒视 Scrawl涂写 See eye to eyewith sb. 和某人看法相同 Send sb. to apost 派遣某人做官 Set one’s brainagainst another’s 与人斗智 Sharp precipice 悬崖/险峰 Shoaled搁浅的 Shoddy 低劣的 Shoot suddenlyto the zenith 名声大噪 Shotput 推铅球 Shoutedcommand 口令 Showvarious facets 变复杂 Shuffle /hobble拖脚走/蹒跚 Silencereigned.安静下来 Slideaway溜掉 slide by under one’s nose 在某人眼皮底下逃过 Slump 懒散地坐着 Smokeduct 排烟管 Smother one’saspiration for… 压抑着对…的向往 Smut淫秽的,图 Snicker窃笑 snowdrift雪堆 Sojourn in… 在某处小住 Song thrush 画眉 Sparing 节俭的 Spring intoaction 突然动起来 Spurt out喷射(水) Sputter语无次地说 Squelch 压制,击溃 Stand on thethreshold of… 踏入… Stand there withgraceful poise亭亭玉立



