1.describe 词频: 24次 v. 描写; 形容
词根记忆: de(向下) scribe(写)→描写; 形容
真题例句: Gilbert’s own interest in new music has been widely noted: Alex Ross,a classical-music critic,has described him as a man who is capable of turning the Philharmonic into “a markedly different,more vibrant organization. ”(2011 Text 1) 吉尔伯特本人对新音乐的兴趣众所周知: 古典音乐评论家亚历克斯·罗斯称其为一个有能力将纽约爱乐乐团转变为“显著不同的,更具有活力的团体”的人。
2.capable 词频: 13次 adj.有能力的,能干的,能胜任的; 有才华的
词根记忆: cap (持,握,抓) able(形容词后缀 能够……)→能干的,能胜任的
短语搭配: capable of有……能力的; 可……的 a capable mechanic能干的技工
真题例句: There is,in other words,a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees,of making general judgments.(1986 Text 1) 对人们在作出一般判断决策时有能力只看森林不看树木(眼光长远)的要求在不断增大。
3.expand 词频: 13次 v. 扩张; 使膨胀; 详述
词根记忆: ex(向外) pand(展开)→使膨胀; 扩张
短语搭配: expand one’s vocabulary增加某人的词汇
真题例句: Merely expanding the orchestra’s repertoire will not be enough.(2011 Text 1) 仅仅扩充乐团的演奏总曲目是远远不够的。
4.depart词频: 3次 v. 起程,出发
词根记忆: de(向下,离开) part(分开,部分)→起程,出发
短语搭配: depart from one’s promise违约
真题例句: When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August,his explanation was surprisingly straight up.(2011 Text 2) 利亚姆·麦基 8 月份辞去其作为美国银行总裁的职务时,他的解释出人意料地直率。
5.pursue词频: 6次 v. 追赶,追捕,定位
词根记忆: pur(向前,在前) sue(=follow 跟随)→追赶,追捕
短语搭配: pursue pleasure追求快乐
真题例句: Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses,he came right out and said he was leaving “to pursue my goal of running a company.”(2011 Text 2) 他没有用常见的一些含糊其辞的借口来掩饰自己的离开,而是公开声明他离职是“为了追求我管理一家公司的目标”。
6.vague词频: 5次adj.含糊的,茫然的,不清楚的
词根记忆: vag(=wander 漫游) ue→含糊的,茫然的,不清楚的
短语搭配: make a vague answer做含糊的答复
真题例句: A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.(2011 Text 2) 动荡不安的商业环境也使得高级经理人谨防让含糊其辞的声明损毁自己的声誉。
7.aspiration 词频: 3次 n. 渴望; 热望
词根记忆: a(加强) spir(呼吸) ion(名词后缀)→渴望; 热望
短语搭配: have an aspiration to do something 渴望做某事
真题例句: It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations.(2011 Text 2) 这也向外界明确传递了他的志向所在。
8.scrutinize词频: 3次 v. 详细检查; 细看
词根记忆: scrutin(search检查) ize(动词后缀)→详细检查; 细看
真题例句: As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure,executives who don’t get the nod also may wish to move on. (2011 Text 2) 当董事会迫于股东压力仔细继任计划时,那些未得到首肯的高管也可能想换份工作。
9.recovery 词频: 5次 n. 恢复,复苏
词根记忆: re(再,重新) cover(抓住,得到)→恢复,复苏
短语搭配: the recovery of the Japanese economy日本的经济复苏
真题例句: As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold,deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net.(2011 Text 2) 随着经济复苏初现企稳迹象,副总们也许会更愿意在没有找到新工作的情况下就辞职。
10.unconventional 词频: 3次 adj.非传统的
词根记忆: un(否定前缀) convention(习俗,惯例) al(形容词后缀)→非传统的
短语搭配: an unconventional approach to a problem打破惯例的处理问题的方法
真题例句: The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional.(2011 Text 2) 辞去高级职位以期冀更好职位这样的决定不符合惯例。