1. incentive = motivation = stimulus = impetus = stimulation 激励
2. constituent = component = piece = part 组成
3. gradual = slow 逐渐的
4. diffuse = spread = scatter = disperse 分散
5. severity = harshness = seriousness 严重性
6. congregate = gather = aggregate = compile = converge = put/come together = synthesize = combine 聚集
7. presumably = It is reasonable to assume = probably = most likely 大概是
8. compelling = persuasive = convincing 有说服力的
9. remarkable = impressive = striking = noticeable = noteworthy = dramatic 引人注目的
10. ultimately = eventually = finally = over time 终地
11. in essence = basically = fundamentally 从本质上来说
12. foster = encourage = promote = facilitate = stimulate = prompt 促进
13. roughly = approximately 大约
14. prosperous = wealthy = flourishing = thriving 繁荣的
15. convert = change = alter = transform = modify 改变
16. subsequently = later 后来
17. exploit = make use of = utilize = harness = use 利用
18. outbreak = sudden increase = spurt = surge 激增
19. launch = start = initiate = begin = trigger 开始
20. adequate = rich = sufficient = plentiful = enough = abundant = copious充足的
21. continuous = uninterrupted = nonstop 未被中断的
22. exclusively = solely = only = merely = simply = just 仅仅
23. unfavorable = negative = detrimental = harmful = adverse 不利的
24. restricted = limited = constrained 受限的
25. adjacent = nearby = neighboring 邻近的
26. alleged = supposed 所谓的
27. perceive = see = regard = consider = view 视作
28. elevate = raise = enhance = improve 提高
29. ensure = guarantee 确保
30. conform to = match = correspond to = agree with 符合,相一致
31. prolong = extend = stretch 延伸
32. exhibit = display = indicate = signify显示
33. simultaneously = at the same time 同时
34. uniformly = consistently 一致地
35. critical = essential = key = crucial = significant = vital重要的
36. extract = remove 提取
37. margin = end = limit 边缘
38. vigorous = energetic = lively = vibrant 充满活力的
39. accumulate = collect = increase 积累
40. counter = combat = act against 对抗
41. widespread = common = pervasive = prevailing = current普遍的
42. integrate = combine = synthesize 整合
43. halt = stop = cease 停止
44. arduous = difficult = burdensome = daunting 艰巨的
45. dictate = determine 决定
46. mimic = reproduce = duplicate = copy = imitate复制
47. conventional = standard = traditional 惯例的
48. vast = huge = enormous = immense = tremendous = extensive = monumental巨大的
49. plausible = likely (借口或解释)合理的
50. rudimentary = primitive = basic 原始的
51. anticipate = predict 预期
52. virtually = nearly 几乎
53. predominantly = mainly 主要地
54. sustain = continue 维持
55. intermediate = between stages 中级的
56. endure = withstand 忍受
57. surplus = extra = excess 过多的
58. distinctive = recognizable = characteristic 个性鲜明的
59. abrupt = sudden 突然的
60. exhaust = use up = consume 耗尽
61. remnants = remains = leftovers = remainders残余物
62. suitable = appropriate = hospitable 合适的
63. hence = therefore = consequently = thereby = thus 因此
64. lucrative = profitable 有利可图的
65. elaborate = complex = with great details = complex = complicated = intricate = sophisticated复杂的
66. unprecedented = never before seen 前所未有的
67. cluster = group 群
68. devastate = destroy = demolish 破坏
69. unintentional= unplanned = inadvertent 无意的
70. episode = occurrence = event 发生的事件
71. proponent = supporter = advocate支持者
72. substantially = significantly = dramatically = drastically 极大地
73. obtain = gather = acquire = derive = secure = accomplish 获得
74. steadily = continually 稳定持续地
75. inevitably = necessarily = certainly = surely = unavoidably = undoubtedly 不可避免地
76. deliberately = intentionally 故意地
77. modest = moderate = small = little 少量的
78. intact = without breaking into pieces = complete 完好无损的
79. further = additionally = besides = in addition = furthermore 此外
80. fluctuation = variation 波动
81. inhibit = slow down = impede = retard = restrict = limit 抑制
82. refuge = protect = shelter 庇护
83. segregate = separate 分离
84. era = period = epoch 时代
85. ongoing = continuing 正在进行的
86. ambiguous = unclear 模棱两可的
87. nevertheless = even so = however 尽管如此
88. exceed = be more than = surpass = supersede 超过
89. retain = keep = sustain = maintain 保持
90. emergence = appearance/occurrence = rise 出现
91. precisely = accurately = faithfully 精确地
92. durable = lasting = permanent = persistent 持久的
93. optimum = ideal = perfect 佳的
94. delicate = fragile 脆弱的
95. intermittently = periodically = regularly 间歇地
96. relatively = comparatively 相对地
97. decisive = determining = conclusive 决定性的
98. verify = confirm = ascertain = determine = attest证实
99. vanish = disappear 消失
100. potentially = possibly 潜在地
101. reluctant = hesitant = unwilling 不情愿的
102. interpret = understand 理解
103. compensate = make up for 弥补
104. distinct = clear 明显的,清晰的
105. mount = grow = ascend = go up上升
106. account for = explain 解释
107. isolate = separate = segregate = detach使分离
108. vicinity = neighborhood = region附近地区
109. intense = strong = extreme强烈的
110. afford = provide 提供
111. assertion = claim 断言
112. disrupted = disordered 扰乱的
113. exceedingly = extremely 极其地
114. reveal = show = reflect = indicate = signify 表明
115. ingenuity = cleverness 聪明才智
116. relentless = without pause 不间断的
117. encounter = come into contact with 遇见
118. counterpart = equivalent 对应物
119. on balance = overall 总的来说
120. mutual = shared = reciprocal互相的
121. consensus = widespread agreement 共识
122. accessible = available 可得到的
123. manipulate = skillfully use 熟练使用
124. pursue = practice = engage in 从事
125. subsistence = survival 生存
126. stagnation = lack the growth 停滞
127. implication = consequence 后果
128. duration = length of time 持续时间
129. diminish = reduce = detract = dwindle 减少
130. emit = release = give off 释放
131. couple with = combine with 将…和… 结合在一起
132. autonomy 自治 = independence

133. virtually = nearly 几乎
134. drawback = disadvantage 缺点
135. sequentially = one after another 接续地
136. particularly = especially 尤其
137. generation = production 产生
138. peak = maximum 高点
139. occasionally = sometimes 偶尔
140. routinely = regularly = often 常规地
141. supplement = add to 补充
142. mechanism = means 机制,方法
143. vulnerable = defenseless = unprotected易受伤害的
144. relatively = comparatively 相对地
145. sparse = scarce = widely distributed 稀疏的
146. aptitude = ability = capacity 能力
147. stationary = fixed 固定的
148. prolong = extend = stretch 延长
149. progressively = increasingly 愈益
150. endure = withstand = tolerate忍受