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学习经验 雅思

2019年12月16日 18:19:00
Education教育 我是虾仁 Sharon黄文琪widening gap between rich and poor贫富差距的扩大
One threat is the widening gap between rich and poor, with more intense pockets of extreme privilege and deprivation.我们正面临的其中一个不好的趋势是贫富差距的扩大,导致极端特权和资源剥夺现象更加严重。
offer equal and fair access to education for everyone为每个人提供平等和公平的教育机会
In OECD countries, the richest 10% have incomes 10 times greater than the poorest 10%. This inequality is a challenge for schools who want to offer equal and fair access to education for everyone.在经合组织国家中,富有的10%人口的收入是贫穷的10%人口的10倍多。对于那些希望为每个人提供平等和公平的教育机会的学校来说,这种不平等是一项挑战。
increase demand for university places对大学学位的需求增加
Another trend is the rising affluence in Asia. It's suggested that a large rise in the middle classes in China and India will increase demand for university places.另一个趋势是亚洲日益富裕,和印度中产阶级的大幅增长将导致对大学学位的需求增加。
culturally diverse students来自不同背景的学生
Increasing migration will also have an impact on education systems. Mobility results in more culturally diverse students eager to learn and develop a good life for themselves.不断增加的也将对教育系统产生影响。生源的流动性意味着来自不同背景的学生更加渴望通过学习来为自己创造美好的生活。

the rise independency on technology对技术更高的依赖性
The rise in dependency on technology is another concern. What should students learn when many of their talents can be replicated by machines?当代生活对技术更高的依赖性是另一个关注点。当学生的某些能力可以轻易被机器取代时,他们应该学什么?
have access to school获得教育
But they remain irrelevant for hundreds of millions of the world's poorest children who don't even have access to school .但是,对于世界上数以亿计的,至今无法获得教育的贫困的儿童而言,它们仍然无关紧要。



