1 限定词 此类限定词往往包括: 人群、地点、 and 、 or 并列等。 Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(17.12.16) 本题目的限定词 both individuals and society,如果只分析个人忽视掉社会,那么文章即“部分回应”,task response评分项受影响,审题出现错误大概5分。
同理: School leavers go traveling or work before they go directly to university. Are there more advantages or disadvantages on their study? (15.11.7) 本题目的限定词on their study,如果文章没有紧扣对学习的影响进行论述,而是其他方面例如增长生活经验之类的,那跑题。
2 事实 观点句 此类题目注意回应观点句,事实句在文中提到即可 In the past, the main role of the teacher was to provide information. Today, however, students can get access to a wide range of information. Therefore, some people think there is no role for the teacher in modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 本题目中下划线是事实,阴影处为观点,写作中主要围绕老师在现代教育中的作用即可。
此外,如果提问方式是To what extent do you agree or disagree?往往我们会选择辩证论法。 例如本体立意: 首段: 背景介绍 一些人的观点 主体段1段 :让步,承认教师在现代教学中确实会出现功能弱化的现象,加上主要原因例如
远程教育、网络资源、图书资料等。 主体段2段 :驳论,论述教师在现代教学中的重要作用或不可替代作用,摆事实加例子,例如学生的情感认知方面教学、自学能力差的学生等。 结尾 :老师不可替代,但是也要进行一定的外界辅助。 四段落是比较常见的论证方式,当然如果用五段论,只需要把自己的论点段拆成两段即可。
3 比较级 题干中有比较级的时候,写作中注意回应这一暗线 Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe a permanent job is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (17.1.14) 该题在写作中,注意也是用一定的比较词,题目中其实对两者的重要性都有肯定,就不要再论述哪一个好,哪一个不好了,而是都好的基础上哪个更好。

4 rather than/ instead of字眼出现在advantage /disadvantage题目中 In some countries, the widespread use of the Internet has given people more freedom to work or study at home instead of traveling to work or college. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(17.9.30) 该题目的回应中,重点描述instead of 前面内容,紧扣前文写,后面可以顺带一提。 但是若果出现在agree/disagree题目中,两边都要论述。 Some people think that a university student should choose a particular subject rather than a wider range of subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 该题的回应中,rather than 前后都回应。
medie类话题短语 真假参半的信息 halftruths 扭曲事实 distort facts 夸大其词 blowissues out of proportion 引起公众恐慌 cause widespread panic 调查性新闻报道 investigativejournalism 涉及公众利益 in the public interest 扮演着无可替代的角色 plays anindispensable role 适得其反 be counterproductive 被报道轰炸 be bombardedwith 聚光灯下 in the spotlight 避开窥探的目光 keep themselvesaway from prying eyes 国内外时事 domestic andinternational events