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学习经验 考研

2019年12月07日 10:34:46
《卫报》,是考研英语阅读四大话题之一的“文化历史教育类”。请大家仔细阅读文章,学会快速抓住文章大意和段落大意,区分细节和关键信息句,以此来提高阅读技能。 原文期刊:卫报 原文标题:Ad tech is killing the online experience 文章论述了广告科技在隐私侵犯,价值利用,广告推送等方面给用户网络体验造成的诸多困扰,批驳了广告科技唯利是图,置用户实际体验于不顾的自私行为。文章采用情景假设——提出问题——分析问题——提出建议的思路展开,用例证、对比等方式论证了广告科技的弊端和采取措施保护隐私的必要性。文章语言相对较为简单,结构清晰明了,从侵犯隐私和追逐利益等角度作为切入点,贴近实际,读者也可以借此了解科技广告的运作模式和由此带来的弊端。
Ⅰ①There’s something so wonderfully easy about reading this column in a physical newspaper. ②You turned the page, and here it is, with few annoyances or distractions, in an ultra-high-definition typeface which was custom-designed with pleasurable reading in nd. ③Or – wait – are you reading this on a phone? ④Did you follow a link from Twitter, or Facebook? ⑤Or maybe you’re on a train, or a plane, or you’re trying to use your laptop on your cousin’s crappy Wi-Fi connection out in the countryside somewhere. ⑥In which case, there’s a pretty good chance that even getting this far is some kind of minor miracle.
Ⅱ①When talking about the economics of online publishing, the first thing to reber is that job No 1 isn’t to get the news to you.②Rather, it is to monetise you, by selling you off, in real time, to the highest bidder.③This happens every time you click on a link, before the page has even started to load on your phone. ④Once upon a time, if you and I both visited the same web page at the same time using the same web browser, we would end up seeing the same thing. ⑤Today, however, an almost unthinkably enormous ecosystem of scripts and cookies and auctions and often astonishingly personal information is used to show you a set of brand messages and sales pitches which are tailored almost uniquely to you.
Ⅲ①That ecosystem raises important questions about privacy and just general creepiness —— the way that the minute you look at a pair of shoes online, for instance, they then start following you around every other website you visit for weeks. ②But whether or not you value your privacy, you are damaged, daily, by the sheer weight of all that technology.

Ⅳ①Online ads have never got less annoying over time, and you can be sure that mobile ads are going to get more annoying as well, once Silicon Valley has worked out how to better identify who you are. ②The move to greater privacy protections might help slow the pace with which such technologies are adopted. ③But there’s no realistic hope that websites will actually improve from here. ④If you want to avoid the dreadful experience of the mobile web, you’ll only have one choice —— which is to start reading your articles natively, in the Facebook or Apple News app. ⑤But it won’t be Facebook and Apple who killed the news brands. ⑥ It’ll be ad tech.
1. distraction n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱
2. ultra-high-definition 超高清的
3. *crappy adj. 蹩脚的;糟糕的;没价值的
4. *monetise ['m?nitaiz] vt. 使货币化;把…定位法定货币
5. bidder n . 投标人;出价人;命令者
6. cookies n. 储存在用户本地终端上的数据
7. tailor vt. 剪裁、使合适;n. 裁缝;vi. 做裁缝
8. *creepiness n. 毛骨悚然
9. dreadfu adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的 (注:标*为超纲词汇)



