1. 偏题项 这类选项比较隐蔽,其表现形式往往是内容本身是正确的,但说偏了没抓住重点,不是文章的主线。考生很容易跟正确选项混淆而选择它。
2. 反义项 有些题目本身比较长,加上一些否定和双重否定等,考生就容易理解错误,而特别设置的部分反义项,就往往会等着考生自己被绕晕了以后自投罗网。
3. 错位项 还有些错误选项,主题和修饰错位,或者把不相关的内容拼凑在一起,看似哪边都沾一点关系,其实本身却是错位选项,也很容易影响考生的判断。
4. 极端项 极端项其实是比较明显的错误干扰选项,常会使用一些代表主观判断的高级词汇比如best/most/least,性词汇比如only、alone或者比较级词汇比如better、worse等。这些选项表现出一种极端的不容否定的态度。看似很有道理其实却并正确。
5. 未提项 这种错误选项陷阱也比较常见,故意给出一些看似很有联系的新信息点,说得头头是道,考生如果因为文章篇幅较长没有阅读全文,就会以为自己没看仔细,其实这些所谓的信息都是一些根本没有出现在文章中完全和题目无关的未提及选项。
6. 主观项 这种错误选项的制定思路是根据一些常识性的推断,引导考生做出的判断,其本身带有很强的主观性,而并不是客观的事实,如果考生不加注意就很容易被带歪思路。
GRE阅读错误选项真题练习 下面小编分享一篇GRE阅读机经真题文章,帮助大家加深理解:
By far the most popular United States literature of its time was a body of now-neglected novels written between 1820 and 1870 by, for, and about women. According to Nina Baym, who has termed this genre “woman’s fiction,” the massive popularity of these novels claimed a place for women in the writing profession. The novels chronicle the experiences of women who, beset with hardships, find within themselves qualities of intelligence, will, resourcefulness, and courage sufficient to overcome their obstacles. According to Baym, the genre began with Catharine Sedgwick’s New-England Tale (1822), manifested itself as the best-selling reading matter of the American public in the unprecedented sales of Susan Warner’s Wide, Wide World (1850), and remained a dominant fictional type until after 1870. The critical, as opposed to popular, reception of these novels in their own time was mixed. Theoretical opposition by those who saw fiction as a demoralizing and corrupting influence was by no means dead in mid-nineteenth-century America, and popular successes naturally bore a significant proportion of the attack.
The moralistic tone of much woman’s fiction did not placate these antagonists; on the contrary, many clerical opponents of the novel thought that women were trying to take over the clergy’s functions and hence attacked all the more fiercely. Similarly, some male authors, disgruntled by the emergence of great numbers of women writers, expressed contempt for the genre. On the other hand, the women had a powerfully ally--their publishers, who not only put these works into print but advertised them widely and enthusiastically. Some few reviewers wrote about these works with attention and respect, distinguishing between the works of the different authors and identifying individual strengths and weaknesses.
These approving contemporary critics were particularly alert to each writer’s contribution to the depiction of American social life, especially to regional differences in manners and character types. On the whole, however, even these laudatory critics showed themselves uninterested in the stories that this fiction told, or in their significance. Baym acknowledges that these novels are tell--with variations--a single familiar tale, and correctly notes that this apparent lack of artistic innovation has been partly responsible for their authors’ exclusion from the canon of classic American writers traditionally studied in university literature courses. Baym points out, however, that unlike such male contemporaries as Nathaniel Hawthorne, these women did not conceive of themselves as “artists,” but rather as professional writers with work to do and a living to be made from fulfilling an obligation to their audience.
This obligation included both entertainment and instruction, which are not, says Baym, at odds with one another in these books, nor is entertainment the sweet coating on a didactic pill. Rather, the lesson itself is an entertainment: the central character’s triumph over adversity is profoundly pleasurable to those readers who identify with her.
1. The passage is primarily concerned with A. Summarizing the major contributions of two influential writers B. Describing and commenting on a group of literary works C. Summarizing the major events of a period of literary history D. Contrasting two types of literary works from the same era E. Arguing for the adopting of several neglected literary works into university curriculums
2. The author of the passage cites Susan Warner’s Wide, Wide World most probably as an example of a woman’s novel that A. Had more advanced artistic elements than many of its type B. Attracted an excessive amount of critical attention C. Was found to be inappropriately moralistic by many members of the clergy D. Was significant as an indicator of the genre’s popularity E. Signaled the gradual decline of the size of the genre’s audience
3. The author of the passage implies which of the following about the members of the clergy mentioned in the first paragraph? A. They also opposed works of fiction that were outside the genre of woman’s fiction. B. They opposed journalism as well as imaginative writing. C. Their influence reached its pinnacle in the mid-nineteenth century. D. They were unable to obtain the support of other critics for their views. E. Their attacks on the genre of the novel did not extend to novels written by male writers.

4.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning the majority of the nineteenth-century reviewers of woman’s fiction? A. They considered the position taken by the clergy in regard to woman’s fiction self-serving. B. They did not make fine distinctions between different authors. C. They placed a higher value on plot than on social significance. D. They subscribed to the view of writers as purveyors of popular entertainment rather than as artists. E. They felt that the literary market was saturated with novels by and about women.
学会快速辨识错误选项提升解题速度正确率 之所以要特别列出阅读中的错误选项,是因为这种选项对于考生阅读部分的正确率杀伤率极高。比起其它一目了然的数学或者填空题,GRE阅读要解题首先就要读文章,很多考生读完文章,特别是长篇文章后,本身思路已经有些混乱,再被这些干扰选项祸害一下,很容易就会出现连续错误。而许多考生对于GRE阅读存在的畏惧情绪和心理阴影,其实也往往是由错误选项导致的。