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学习经验 托福

2019年12月22日 12:09:53
(1)(动)宣告有罪.prove or declare guilty after trail
The judge convicted the accused man of theft. 法官宣判被告偷窃。
(2).(名)罪犯a person who has been found guilty and sent to prison
The policeman was chasing a convict who escaped from prison last night. 警方正在追捕一名昨晚自脱逃的罪犯。
2.employee: (名)员工a person who works for some person or firm for pay
The large factory has more than 1,000 employees who make cars. 那家工厂大约有一千多员工在制造汽车。
3.envy:(名)羡慕 discontent and ill will at another’s better fortune
Some boys were full of envy when they saw my new bicycle. 一些男孩看到了我的新脚踏车都充满了羡慕。
4.impose: (动)强加lay or place a tax, burden, or duty on
The judge imposed a fine of $500 on the guilty man. 法官判此罪人罚金五百元。
5.invest: (动)投资use money to buy something that will produce a profit
If I had any money, I would invest it in land. 如果我有钱,我将会投资在土地上。
6.legislate: (名)立法make laws
In the United States the Congress has the power to legislate. 在美国,国会有立法权。
7.maintain:(动)保持 keep; preserve; continue; support
He maintained a speed of 60 miles an hour on the highway. 在高速公路上,他保持每小时六十公理的速度。
8.petition: (名)a formal request prepared by a number of people
The people signed a petition to stop destruction of the historic buildings. 人民签署一份意书来禁止对古迹的破坏。
9.reconcile:(动)和解 cause to be friendly again; bring into agreement
They quarreled last week but now they are completely reconciled. 他们上星期起争执,但现在已完全和解了。
(1)(名)感觉.any feeling coming from the senses

I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards. 我知道火车已经停止,但我感觉它正在往后退。
(2)(名)骚动;大事件.a state of excited interest
The show was a great sensation for several weeks. 这表演是数星期以来引起注意的大事件。
12.sociable:(形)好交际的 fond of company; enjoying social life; friendly
The secretary doesn’t sociable; she likes to be left in the office alone. 这秘书看起来不喜欢交际,她喜欢独自呆在办公室里。
13.trigger: (1)(名)(枪的)扳机.the part of a gun that you press in order to fire it
He kept his finger on the trigger. 他的手指一直扣着扳机。
(2)(尤指不好事件的)起因;诱因.something that is the cause of a particular reaction or development, especially a bad one
The trigger of the strike was the closure of yet another factory. 触发这次的原因是另一家工厂的关闭。
(3)(动)发动;引起;触发.to make something happen suddenly
Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction. 坚果可以引起严重的过敏反应。



