〔定期往返于两地之间的〕短程穿梭航班(班车,火车)a plane, bus, or train that makes regular short journeys between two places 【经典例句】 a shuttle service between London and Edinburgh 往返于敦和爱丁堡之间的航班 There's a shuttle service from the city center to the airport. 从市中心到机场有穿梭班车服务。
1.( 在较近的两地之间定时 ) 往返运送: ·to carry people between two places that are close, making regular journeys between the two places 【经典例句】 A bus shuttles passengers back and forth from the station to the terminal. 一辆公共汽车在火车站和公共汽车终点站之间往返运送旅客。
2.穿梭往返(两地):to travel frequently between two places 【经典例句】 Susan shuttles between Rotterdam and London for her job . 苏珊因为工作而在鹿特丹和敦两地之间穿梭。 Her childhood was spent shuttling between her mother and father . 她的童年是在父母之间穿梭往来中度过的。