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学习经验 考研

2019年11月26日 10:00:00
1. The Chinese nation has____ many national heroes. A. brought forth B. brought forward C. brought up D. brought about
2. The ____of the priest’s sermon was that all human beings should love each other. A. brain B. question C. essence D. reality
3. We all left the meeting convinced that the project was ____. A. fertile B. inevitable C. inherent D. feasible
4. The heavy burden of the life made her ____ the old way of stealing.A. revel in B. relate to C. revert to D. revive in45. She has always ____her neighbors for the past twenty years. A. been fed up with B. been on good terms with C. got around to D. gone along with
5. These books are both interesting and instructive. No wonder they___the reading public. A. appeal to B. apply to C. approve of D. ascend to
6. You must phone the police when you find any suspicious guy ____the house late at night. A. hanging out B. hanging up C. hanging round D. hanging together
7. Despite the fact that the area had been hit by the severest drought in twenty years, a(n)____ harvest was gathered in. A. desirable B. wishful C. bumper D. ideal
8. The store was ____people shopping for household wares. A. occupied by B. seized by C. invaded by D. jammed with
9. That fellow____at longdistance running. A. excels B. exceeds C. surpasses D. overtakes
10. Mr. Longman____his hat when he met the teacher of his daughter on the street. A. gave B. tipped C. raised D. heightened
11. The television station was____with calls protesting the distasteful programs. A. hatched B. modulated C. flooded D. prompted
12. I wonder who first____the idea of bags with gas to make balloons. A. imagined B. conceived C. cherished D. concealed
13. Her first born is not the only one in her family who is good at handwriting; in fact, all her children ____ calligraphy. A. are fond of B. are tired of C. excel at D. go in for
14. We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to___mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries. A. propel B. promote C. strengthen D. depress

15. The minibus____five people quite comfortably. A. lodges B. grants C. accommodates D. drinks
16. It’s a common knowledge that chalk ____ moisture from the air. A. gets B. evaporates C. absorbs D. discards
17. Having ____so many obstacles, she established her fame as a first-rate actress at last. A. removed B. surmounted C. resumed D. harnessed
18. We stopped for a coffee break and____ working fifteen minutes later.A. resumed B. consumed C. presumed D. assumed
19. The discontented students____by ing the school-cafeteria.A. rewarded B. vanished C. groaned D. took their revenge
20. She is very____ upsetting her husband, as he has a violent temper. A. tired of B. wary of C. keen on D. confined to
21. “Are you ready?” “Why should I be ready when you are not?” she ____. A. repeated B. retorted C. shouted D. said
22. The house had many____with her dead husband for her to be happy in it.A. conjunctions B. associations C. links D. chains
23. I am not sure whether I want to take this course; I may ____for the first week to see if I like it. A. sit on B. sit in C. sit down D. sit up
24. The Americans are a highly____ people. Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance. A. mobilized B. mobile C. changeable D. moved



