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学习经验 托福

2019年11月24日 21:52:22
托福口语词汇多样性,新政之后,综合口语占所有题目的比例从原先的2:3变为3:4,特别是学术类(academic related)题目更是占到了1:2。而许多考生在应对学术类综合口语题目时常遇到一个问题:阅读/听力材料中的又长又少见的学术词汇该如何处理。听懂了硬模仿发音,不一定能说对,就算发音说对了有可能也用错了语法,真是纠结…
所以今天我们就以TPO36 Task4(原Task6)入手,一起浅析下如何将这些学术词汇“化繁为简”。
Topic: Two strategies for snail to cope with high temperature and drought
Point1: To avoid the heat
Example1: Snails move into the shelter of vegetation to get out of the sun.
The ground becomes hot and radiates heat.
Snails move up off of the ground to cooler places.
They attach themselves to a wall or a tree.
Point2: To avoid drying out due to the lack of water
Example2: Snails secrete sticky, slimy substance made of calcium.
It covers the opening of their shell.
This keeps the moisture inside the shell.
Snails stay inside their shells for several months.
Their bodies slow down and survive on the food stored up.
When it rains, snails open up its shell to get some water.
“shelter of vegetation”, “absorb and radiate heat”, “slimy substance made of calcium” 看到这些词汇表达有木有感到一种无力感?本以为听懂了就可以开心了,真到说的时候就发现“臣妾做不到啊…”,其实综合口语考察的就是考生的转述(paraphrase/restate)能力,换词输出完全OK,大家要对听力材料说“我不要你觉得,我要我觉得”该怎么说就怎么说!
首先关于主题句,有些考生喜欢纯靠听力材料中speaker给出的主题“Two strategies for snail to cope with high temperature and drought”,而有的同学偏好直接照搬听力放完后出现的题干“Using the examples from the professor's lecture, explain how snails survive in hot and dry climate”。
但其中strategy, cope, temperature, drought, survive都属于高频发音易错词,极易出现重音位置或元音发音不准确等问题,建议大家可以针对不同题目适当结合听力材料和题干进行换词输出。因此,我们不妨就转述为Two ways that snails use to deal with hot and dry climate.
例一中讲述了蜗牛在地面过热时会“attach to a wall/tree”,很多考生在记听力笔记时,受限于时间经常只记关键词“attach”,此法固然无误,但由于对其不及物动词的词性掌握的不熟练,曾有许多同学忘记接续介词“to”,而将此处复述为“Snails will attach a wall or tree.” ,这样就造成了一个语法的问题。
例二中讲述了蜗牛遭遇干旱会“secrete sticky slimy substance made of calcium (分泌一些粘粘的含钙物质) ” 。曾有些同学复述时反复纠结于“sticky, slimy, calcium”无法自拔,仿佛不说出来会失分似的;还有些同学即使听辨出“secrete”,在复述时紧张的氛围下,还是会脱口而出“secret sticky slimy substance”,所以这里建议大家遇到生僻少见的词汇,如果理解了原文意思,不妨总结概括出核心内容并用熟悉的或是降维的词汇输出表达:“Snails often produce/release some special kinda stuff to…”。

The professor talks about two ways that snails use to deal with hot and dry climate.
The first strategy is to avoid the heat. For example, snails often move under the shade of plants away from the sun. And when the ground gets hotter, they’ll climb onto walls or trees to stay cooler.
The second strategy is to avoid drying out. For example, snails produce some kinda stuff to close their shells in order to keep the water inside. They can slow down their body and only depend on the food in their shells to survive till the next rain.
除去刚才和大家说的那些点,这段example里还有几个简化和转述的地方。比如,将“蜗牛进入植被阴影处与逃离太阳”做了改写,将“hot and radiates heat”简化成“hotter”,把“attach to somewhere”改成了“climb onto”,把“moisture”用“water”替换。



