(1)空格前是since, because则是假设题;
(2)空格前是therefore, hence, thus是MUST BE TRUE / Main Point题。本文就把GMAT逻辑填空题解题思路给大家说下。
(1)A, therefore B 填写AB之间的Gap 架桥
(2)A, however B 填写A的直接原因 与解释题做法相同
1. 与段落重合度越高的选项越可能称为正确答案,若段落出现专有名词,答案一般也会出现专有名词
2. 出现if,unless,whenever等条件连词的选项成为正确答案的可能性远大于其他选项
3. NOT,EXCEPT题E正确的可能性为85%,CD各为5%,AB加在一起5%。
Which of the choices most logically completes the following argument?
NowNews, although still the most popular magazine covering cultural events in Kalopolis, has recently suffered a significant drop in advertising revenue because of falling circulation. Many readers have begun buying a competing magazine that, at 50 cents per copy, costs less than NowNews at $1.50 per copy. In order to boost circulation and thus increase advertising revenue, NowNews’s publisher has proposed making it available at no charge. However, this proposal has a serious drawback, since
(A) Those Kalopolis residents with the greatest interest in cultural events are regular readers of both magazines.
(B) One reason NowNews’s circulation fell was that its compe’s reporting on cultural events was superior.
(C) The newsstands and stores that currently sell NowNews will no longer carry it if it is being given away for free.

(D) At present, 10 percent of the total number of copies of each issue of NowNews are distributed free to students on college campuses in the Kalopolis area.
(E) NowNews’s compe would begin to lose large amounts of money if it were forced to lower its cover price.
A 对文化事件感兴趣的读者就会成为两种杂志的定期读者。无关选项。不知道以前是什么样的,成为定期读者不知道会不会对广告收入造成影响。
B NowNews发行量下降的原因是竞争对手关于文化事件的报道更胜一筹。跟提议无关。
C 如果它免费发行的话,那么报社和商量将不再卖NowNews的杂志。正确,发行量不会增加。
D 现在,NowNews每次发行总数量的10%将会免费发给K地学校学生,无关选项。
E 如果NowNews的竞争对手被迫降价,它将会损失大量的钱。无关选项。