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学习经验 四级六级考试

2019年11月21日 13:14:09
Section A
Directions:Inthissection,youwillheartwolongconversations.Attheendofeach conversation,youwillhearfourquestions.Boththeconversationsand questionswillbespokenonlyonce. Afteryouhearaquestion,youmustchoosethebestanswerfromthefourchoicesmarkedA),B),C)andD). ThenmarkthecorrespondingletteronAnswerSheet1withasingleline throughthecentre.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1.A)Organisms far below the Earth’s surface.
B)New drilling methods.
C)A hidden underground world.
D)Rare and infectious bacteria.
2.A)Modern experiments.
B)Advanced technology.
C)Precise statistics.
D)Keen observation.
4.A)They would be killed by the human immune system.
B)They would die once brought to the surface.
C)Many precautions and remedies are available.
D)Drilling operations are always closely monitored.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5.A)Writing papers for his classes.
B)Preparing for the coming exam in the library.
C)Doing extra work in the chemistry lab.
D)Working overtime at a library.
6.A)Spend more time in the library.
B)Write just one paper for all his classes.
C)Drop one of his courses.
D)Write his papers on closely related topics.
7.A)She once wrote about it.
B)She thinks the man should write about it.
C)She has been studying it recently.
D)She particularly likes Romantic poetry.
8.A)She knows he is very busy.
B)He’s already helped her enough.
C)He is incompetent to help her.
D)She doesn’t need any help.
Section B
Directions:Inthissection,youwillheartwopassages.Attheendofeachpassage,you willhearthreeorfourquestions.Boththepassageandthequestionswill bespokenonlyonce.Afteryouhearaquestion,youmustchoosethebestanswer fromthefourchoicesmarkedA),B),C)andD).Thenmarkthecorresponding letteronAnswerSheetIwithasinglelinethroughthecentre.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
10.A)The distance the merchandise had to be transported.
B)The number of insurance companies available at the time.
C)The risk involved in transporting the goods.
D)The type of ships used to transport the goods.
11.A)They are more expensive than earlier policies.
B)They remain much similar to earlier policies.
C)They are cheaper than earlier policies.
D)They greatly differ from the earlier policies.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
12.A)It was full of energy.
B)It gave out heat.
C)It could cure illness.
D)It could keep them healthy.
13.A)Because of the development of industry.
B)Because of the pasteurization process.
C)Because of the new discoveries.
D)Because of the increasing number of cattle.
14.A)A special milk bottle.
B)A method to take water out of milk.
C)A way to kill bacteria in milk.
D)Machines to fill bottle automatically.
15.A)It will become less popular than it has been.
B)It will be reformed in the near future.
C)It will be more popular than before.
D)It will always be important.
Section C
Directions:Inthissection,youwillhearthreerecordingsoflecturesortalks followedbythreeorfourquestions.Therecordingswillbeplayedonly once.Afteryouhearaquestion,youmustchoosethebestanswerfromthefour choicesmarkedA),B),C)andD)questions.Thenmarkthecorrespondingletteron AnswerSheetIwithasinglelinethroughthecentre.
Questions 16 to 19 are based on the recording you have just heard.
16.A)Protecting the sea fishes.
B)Harming the Earth.
C)Harming the ocean.
D)Recovering the ocean.
17.A)Oxygen reduction.
B)Carbon dioxide emission.
C)Extinction of marine life.
D)Survival of the mankind.
18.A)50 years.
B)3 years.
C)13 years.
D)5 years.
19.A)To stabilize world temperature.
B)To secure the health of life system.
C)To stop the marine creatures from dying.
D)To restore the impact of climate changes.
Questions 20 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.
20.A)She is cosmetic dentist in beauty business.
B)She works in beauty business for over 30 years.
C)She conducts researches in cosmetics products.
D)She makes comment on the beauty industry.
21.A)Quality is an important part of the price of cosmetic products.
B)Quality is not a key factor for the price of cosmetic products.
C)Ingredients does not relate to the quality of the cosmetic products.
D)Ingredients plays an important role in the quality of cosmetic products.

22.A)Sales increases in global markets.
B)Consumers increase in global markets.
C)More famous brands make more profits.
D)People brought more expensive makeup.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
23.A)They want to protest against British Council.
B)They want toput a diamond on the Queen’s crown.
C)They want the UK Government returns a diamond.
D)They want to return the Mountain of Light diamond.
24.A)It enables UK institutions to return cultural objects.
B)It gives Queen Elizabeth the power to collect diamonds.
C)Cases in International Court of Justice are based on it.
D)It recognizes the great British achievement in India .
答案:1A 2B 3A 4B 5A
6D 7B 8C 9D 10C
11B 12C 13C 14B 15D
16C 17A 18D 19D 20B
21B 22A 23C 24A 25B



