“Which one of the following do you think is the most useful way for individuals to improve the environment?
1.Walking and bicycling instead of driving cars to work or school.
2.Recycling or reusing objects instead of throwing them into trash bin.
3.Buying locally grown products.
Individual people are the most reliable executingforce in improving our environment. They may be more effective than the government, because it is every individual that takes actual actions. If an individual should focus on one way to make our environment better, I would reduce my careless disposal of items that are actually reusable and recycle them where possible.
让步给选项1: I totally understand why some people, actually many people, would choose to leave their cars in the garageand instead use alternative means of transport, such as walking or bicycling. That certain sound great. 反驳选项1: However, if we take a moment to visualizethe situation: sidewalks are full of pedestrians, part of the roads is changed into bicycle lanes and the rest is empty. That is certainly not desirable. 进一步提出选项1的关键缺陷(提出这个关键很重要,因为后面讨论选项2的时候会针对这个关键缺陷展开): More importantly, as widespread as this campaign may be, will it affect as many people as possible? In fact, it will not apply to those who do not even have a car or already have the environmental awareness before this campaign.
讨论选项2,针对选项1的关键缺陷,陈述选项2的关键优势: Recycling, however, is more widely applicable, and in fact, it can be practiced by every individual. Every person, on a daily basis, uses and tosses quite a large number of objects, and so many of them, paper cups, plastic bottles, wooden chopsticks,are disposed into the bin before their usage is maximized. The massiveamount of rubbish is therefore produced and becomes the environmental hazard. Contrarily, the rubbish is not necessary or at least comes too early.

(有时候,行文中需要一些“肥肉”,避免作文写成简答题的生硬的样子)If we recycle some of those used items, there would not be the colossalamount and the damage to the environment would be capped. This is achievable, more achievable than the previous approach, because this can be done by everyone.
接下来,大家可以再思考选项2的另一个关键优势去“怼”选项3的关键缺陷。给大家一个思路提示:Recycling is easy and takes only small actions, while buying locally grown produce or locally made products may not be that easy, since the markets probably have no or only limited availability of those products. 具体展开略。