题图 : Ezekixl Akinnewu L e t ' s b e g i n Forests give us shade, quiet and one of the harder challenges (in the fight against climate change.) Even as we humans count on forests to soak up a good share of the carbon dioxide (we produce), we are threatening their ability to do so. The climate change (we are hastening) could one day leave us with forests (that emit more carbon than they absorb.)shade : an area that is dark and cool under or behind sth, for example a tree or building, becausethe sun's light does not get to it.
emit : to sendout sth such as light,heat, sound, gas, etc.
omit :to notinclude sth/sb, either deliberately or because you have forgottenit/them.
even as :当...时
count on : 依靠
soak up : 吸收
dioxide: 二氧化物 森林给我们提供了乘凉的地方和安静的环境,但也带来了我们在对抗气候变化时所要面临的艰难挑战。 当我们依靠森林吸收我们制造的二氧化碳时,我们也在威胁着森林的这项能力。 我们的行为正加剧着气候的变化,某一天这可能出现森林排除的碳比吸收还多的情况。Thankfully, there is a way(out of this trap)---but it involves striking a subtle balance. Helping forests flourish (as valuable “carbon sinks” long into the future)may require reducing their capacity(to sequester carbon now). California is leading the way, as it does (on so many climate efforts), in figuring out the details.
strike a balance : 达到平衡
sequester : 吸收 扣押
carbon sinks: 碳储存库 幸亏有办法解决,但这需要达到一种微妙的平衡。 帮助森林茁壮成长,成为未来宝贵的碳储存库,可能需要降低它们当前吸收碳的能力。 加州在处理这方面的细节上是领*的,就像它在很多气候问题上所做出的努力那样。The state’s proposed Forest Carbon Plan aims to double efforts (to thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest),(including by controlled burning.) This temporarily lowers carbon---carrying capacity. But the remaining trees draw a greater share of the available moisture, so they grow and thrive, restoring the forest’s capacity (to pull carbon from the air). Healthy trees are also better able to fend off insects. The landscape is rendered less easily burnable. Even in the event of a fire, fewer trees are consumed.
thin out : become less thick, lessstrong.
moisture : very small drops of waterthat are present in the air. on a surface or in a substance.
restore :tobring back a situationor feeling that existed before.
render : to cause sb/sthto be in a particular state or condition.fend off: 抵挡
加州提出的“森林减碳计划”旨在加倍努力砍掉森林里一部分的小树,清理掉灌木丛,控制火灾。 这就暂时性地降低了碳排放能力,让剩下的树木能吸取更多的水分,使自己长得更为茂盛,进而恢复森林吸收碳的能力。 健康的树也可以更好地抵挡住昆虫的侵害。 这样的美景也就更不容易着火。 即使发生火灾,也不会有太大影响。The need (for such planning) is increasingly urgent. Already, since 2010, drought and insects have killed over 100 million trees in California, most of them in 2016(alone), and wildfires have burned hundreds of thousands of acres.
赶紧制定出这种计划越来越有必要。 自从2010年以来,干旱和虫灾已经毁了加州超过1亿颗树,而其中大部分是在2016年一年发生的,并且野火也已经烧毁了成千上万英亩的森林。California’s plans treat 35,000 acres of forest a year by 2020, and 60,000 by 2030 --- financed from the proceeds(of the state’s emissions-permit auctions). That’s only a small share of the total acreage(that could benefit), about half a million acres in all, so it will be vital[to prioritize areas (at greatest risk of fire or drought.)]
in all/ in total
treat : to deal withsth in a particular way.
acreage : an area of land measured in acres.
vital : very important,necessary, or essential.
fatal : causingdestruction, disaster,or ruin.
mortal :certain to die eventually.
proceeds:the money that you receive when you sell sth or organize a performance, etc.[profit] 加州计划到2020年,每年治理3.5万英亩森林,到2030年,每年治理6万英亩,而这些钱来自州拍卖排放许可取得的收益。 这仅占总可受益英亩数很少一部分(总面积达到50万英亩),所以优先考虑易发火灾和干旱地区就极为重要了。The strategy also aims to ensure that carbon in woody material(removed from the forests) is locked away in the form of solid lumber or burned as biofuel in vehicles (that would otherwise run on fossil fuels). New research (on transportation biofuels) is already under way.
lockaway : 把...封锁
in the form of: 以...形式

lumber : rough pieces of wood, or trees cut down for wood. [timber]
slumber :the state of being asleep, or a period of sleep.
underway :正在着手 这个策略还旨在确保(从森林中取出来的)木材里的碳能以固态木材的形式封存起来,或作为生物燃料供本应依靠化石燃料的机动车使用。 关于生物燃料的运输研究已经开始着手了。State governments are well accustomed to managing forests, but traditionally they’ve focused on wildlife, watersheds and opportunities (for recreation). Only recently have they come to seethe vital part(forests will have to play in storing carbon).Califormia’s plan, which is expected to be finalized by the governor(next year), should serve as a model.
be accustomed to : 习惯于加州对森林的管理已经很熟悉了,但还是老把重心放在野生动物、水域和森林重建上。直到近来,它们才看到森林可以存储碳这一重要作用。估计州长会在明年把这项计划定下来,那时候加州的计划应该可以作为范本了。