1. 表述:cloud nine
释义:A state of extreme happiness. (极其愉快,狂喜)
例句:Ever since Mary got her promotion at work, she's been on cloud nine.
Kitty was on cloud nine when she heard the good news.
Richard is on cloud nine because he's just graduated from Harvard with cum laude.
These sun-seekers are on cloud nine when hearing they are going to Hawaii for the summer holidays.
2. 表述:get the third degree
释义:To be interrogated, scrutinized, or questioned intensely or thoroughly by someone. (遭到盘问,遭到质问)
例句:My boyfriend is so controlling that I always get the third degree if I go anywhere or see anyone without him.
I got the third degree from the police regarding my whereabouts during the crime.

3. 表述:goody two shoes(假正经的人,自命清高的人)
例句:I wonder how we can help Karen loosen up and be a little more tolerant of common human flaws. She's such a goody two shoes that all the men I know are afraid to ask her out on a date.
It's true Eleanor isn't dating anybody steady right now. But don't get the idea she's a goody two shoes. She's not only smart but also attractive and she's also a real fun person to be around.