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2019年11月11日 18:29:33
1, voluptuous [v'lpts]
Giving, characterized by, or suggesting ample, unrestrained pleasure to the senses:
voluptuous sculptural forms; a voluptuous ripe fruit; a full, voluptuous figure.
Devoted to or indulging in sensual pleasures.
Directed toward or anticipating sensual pleasure:
voluptuous thoughts.
Arising from or contributing to the satisfaction of sensuous or sensual desires.See Synonyms at sensuous
激起性欲的,性感的:由色欲或肉欲而来的,有助于满足色欲或肉欲的参见 sensuous
They spent a long and voluptuous holiday in Venice. 他们在威尼斯度过了一个漫长而奢华的假期。
[近] carnal, epicurean, luscious, lush, luxurious, indulgent, sensual, sensuous
[反] ascetic, spartan, self-denying 克己的,自制的
[派] voluptuary n. 酒色之徒
voluptuous beauty 妖艳。
voluptuous music 色情音乐。
The nobility during the Renaissance led voluptuous lives.
a voluptuous woman 性感的女人
voluptuous pictures 色情 图画
a voluptuous life 骄奢淫逸生活
2, woodchuck ['wdtk]
A common burrowing rodent(Marmota monax) of northern and eastern North America, having a short-legged, heavy-set body and grizzled brownish fur. Also called groundhog Regional whistle pig
北美土拨鼠,美洲旱獭:北美北部和东部的一种普通的穴居啮齿类动物(北美土拨鼠) ,有短腿、健壮的身体和灰棕色的皮毛 也作 groundhog【区域的】 whistle pig
3, above ['bv]
aboveboard 光明正大的
abovedeck 光明磊落地
aboveground 在地上
above ground 在世
above one's breath 高声地
above oneself 自高自大
above par 超票面值
above suspicion 无可怀疑
above the heads of 深奥得不能理解
above the salt 在上席
above the weather 无病的
above water 脱离困境
abovestairs 主卧房
He is above doing such things. 他不是做这种事的人。
I am not above asking questions. 我不以发问为耻。
It is above comprehension. 那是难于理解的。
to rise above self 不为私利所蔽
to tower above the rest 高过其他,超群,出类拔萃
above all (things) 尤其是
above oneself 〔口语〕趾高气扬,得意忘形
above price 无价之(宝)
above the rest 特别,格外

4, bachelor ['b?tl]
bachelor's hall 单身男子的住所
bachelor girl 独立未婚女
bachelor-at-arms 年轻武士
bachelor's-button 矢车菊属
5, abp.
A bishop of the highest rank, heading an archdiocese or a province.



