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学习经验 雅思

2019年11月17日 13:35:45
雅思大作文如何写好开篇, 雅思大作文的开篇需要回应题目,确认任务,回答问题,也就是依据题目所给出的任务和提出的问题交代清楚自己要写的这篇作文的原因、理由或根据,进而提出自己的观点,以便继续进行论证,终得出符合逻辑的结论。
题目: Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. (当下,大众消费品非常畅销反映的是广告的力量而不是社会消费的真实需求。) To what extent do you agree or disagree?
范文1: It is true that we are increasingly surrounded by advertising by companies that want to sell us their products. To some extent I agree that advertising has an impact on sales, but I would also argue that we do need most of the goods that we buy. 范
文2: Nowadays, market economy is advancing at a staggering rate with the contribution of advertising which is an art of persuasion circulating information mixing half truth with half lying. However, whether the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the substantially persuasive power of advertising or not is a controversial issue. For my part, the changes in the real needs of a society also make contributions to the large sales volume, apart from the commercials.
一、分析: 一两篇范文的相同之处
1. 从题目回应看:二者基本上做到了全面回应题目,都认可广告的影响力,如,范文1一句中increasingly surrounded by advertising,第二句中advertising has an impact on sales,范文2一句中with the contribution of advertising,第二句中the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the substantially persuasive power of advertising,与题目中的the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising含义基本相同。
2. 从表达观点上看,二者都既回应了应题目,又不认同题目隐含的观点,既reflect ...... not the real needs of the society,并都提出了不同的观点,如,范文1中but I would also argue we do need most of the goods that we buy.,范文2中For my part, the changes in the real needs of a society also make contributions to the large sales volume, apart from the commercials.。
3. 从结构上看,二者都是先做概述,再提论点。既把题目中的表述转化成概述(general statements),把题目的问题转化成论点,既表达自己的观点。
4. 从表达方式上看,二者都使用了题目中的advertising,从而得以清晰地保持主题。
1. 题目回应:范文1将题目原有主要的表述词语拆解,除沿用advertising,sales,need和goods外,使用不同的词语如surroundded和impact来解释power。范文2基本完整沿用题目原有表述,但增加了substantially persuasive,而且还增加了其它表述,强调广告的persuasive。前者的题目回应比较中规中矩,后者的回应似乎有所侧重,而一句的背景交代似乎偏于宽泛。

2. 问题回答:范文1是先(部分)认可再否定,范文2是先搁置,如认为advertising的作用是controversial,然后反驳。
3. 表达方式:范文1词汇和句式偏简单,范文2,书面词汇和复杂句式运用比较突出。 总结: 根据短文写作的一般结构,两篇范文的开篇都很规范,能够充分利用题目交代背景做好开篇铺垫,并合理顺畅提出论点。根据雅思大作文评分标准,两篇范文基本做到了完全回应题目,清晰表述论点。根据以上对两篇范文开篇的解析,似乎可以把雅思大作文开篇模式。
总结如下: 首先,可以利用题目原有表述,通过沿用或拆解形成概述(General Statements),既交代背景、因由或根据,做好开篇铺垫,以做到全面回应题目。 第二,针对题目中表述的观点,或认可或搁置,或全面或部分,回答问题,提出自己的观点,或赞成或反对或折中。 第三,语言表述可简单可复杂,但要清晰明确,题目中原有词语是关键词语,必须沿用保持。 许多考生对雅思大作文的开篇写作不甚明了,不够,甚至不以为然,没有认识到,雅思大作文之所以很难获得高分,其重要原因之一是开篇写不好。而开篇是中心,是导向,开篇立不住,立不正,就容易偏题,跑题,因此应该对开篇写作给予高度,学会运用多种开篇写作模式,以期取得更佳写作效果。



