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学习经验 雅思

2019年11月09日 15:29:20
Why do you want to put tweets out there for everyone to read?你为什么要发推文让大家看到呢?
And what's all this tweeting, posting, and hashtagging doing to our language and our psyche?这些推文、贴子、热搜对我们的语言和精神有什么影响?
a total addict 沉迷的人
Well, it's messed with my mind.I'm a total addict.它与我的思想交织在一起。我很沉溺于这些社交平台。
checkmy account登录账号
Icheckmy accounts as soon as I get up in the morning — and sometimes in the night if I wake up.I couldn't get through the day without it.每天早上起来我都会登录账号,有时半夜醒来也会看一看。没有社交平台,我一天都过不下去。
makea huge blooper online在网上出糗
becomea laughing stock成为笑柄
Aren't you scared of making a huge blooper online and becoming a laughing stock?你不害怕在网上出了糗,成为笑柄吗?
take time to craft one's words花时间琢磨自己的语言

I take time to craft my words — just like I craft them for this show!我会花时间琢磨自己的语言,就像在节目上注意自己的表达一样。
get as much attention as we possibly can想要获得尽可能多的关注
So yeah, there is a lot of "look at me, look at me" online, but that's, I think, because we're trying to reach out to as much of the audience — we're trying to get as much attention as we possibly can, in order to get that tribe.所以,网络上很多人的心态是:“来看我”。但我觉得,这是因为我们想去接触到更多的人,我们想要获得尽可能多的关注,从而收获一群受众。
that tribe can be enormous社交群体非常庞大
But that tribe can be enormous because people are reading posts globally — not just in your own town or even your own country.



