ill 疾病;生病的
问题;灾祸,不幸(一般作ills)a problem or misfortune
艰难地;几乎不only with difficulty;hardly
糟糕地;错误地;有缺陷地badly,wrongly,or imperfectly
a lengthy work on the ills of society.一部关于社会问题的长篇作品。
she could ill afford the cost of new curtains.她几乎出不起钱买新窗帘。
some of his premises seem ill-chosen 看来他的一些前提选择不当
a lengthy work on the ills of society.
she could ill afford the cost of new curtains.
some of his premises seem ill-chosen
outstanding 杰出的;显著的
尚未完成的;有待解决的;未付的not yet done, solved, or paid
We’ve got quite a few debts still outstanding. 我们有许多债务尚未偿还。
We’ve got quite a few debts still outstanding.
still 仍然
[与比较级连用表示强调]甚至,还要even(used with comparatives for emphasis)
静止的;平静的;安静的;寂静的not moving; calm and quiet
不含碳酸气的;不起泡的not containing bubbles of gas; not fizzy
(电影或录像的)定格画面;剧照a photograph of a scene from a film/movie or video
write,or better still,type,captions for the pictures为那些相片书写,或者更好的是,打印说明文字
still water 平静的水面
still mineral water 无汽矿泉水
a publicity still from his new movie 他的新电影的广告剧照
write,or better still,type,captions for the pictures
still water
still mineral water
a publicity still from his new movie
ill 疾病;生病的
问题;灾祸,不幸(一般作ills)a problem or misfortune
艰难地;几乎不only with difficulty;hardly
糟糕地;错误地;有缺陷地badly,wrongly,or imperfectly
a lengthy work on the ills of society.一部关于社会问题的长篇作品。
she could ill afford the cost of new curtains.她几乎出不起钱买新窗帘。
some of his premises seem ill-chosen 看来他的一些前提选择不当
outstanding 杰出的;显著的
尚未完成的;有待解决的;未付的not yet done, solved, or paid
We’ve got quite a few debts still outstanding. 我们有许多债务尚未偿还。
still 仍然

[与比较级连用表示强调]甚至,还要even(used with comparatives for emphasis)
静止的;平静的;安静的;寂静的not moving; calm and quiet
不含碳酸气的;不起泡的not containing bubbles of gas; not fizzy
(电影或录像的)定格画面;剧照a photograph of a scene from a film/movie or video
write,or better still,type,captions for the pictures为那些相片书写,或者更好的是,打印说明文字
still water 平静的水面
still mineral water 无汽矿泉水
a publicity still from his new movie 他的新电影的广告剧照