How do people usually choose gifts?
Choose = pick = go for
Gifts = presents
Usually = most of the time = normally
Well, I guess it kind of depends
on the person, but in general, I would say perhaps there are plenty of different ways when it comes to how most of us pick presents for others. Maybe one of the easiest ways is just to ask the person what they want, I mean the one who will hopefully receive it. It would be helpful if he or she can provide a wish list or something like that. Apart from that, another doable method might be going online and looking through all kinds tips that people have been posting. Who knows, it could be at least giving us some sort of creative ideas.A wish list 心愿单
Doable method(=way) 可行的方法
Look up... 查询...
Part 3
Why do some people find it hard to choose gifts?
Choose gifts = get a present for someone = pick... for sb.
Buy someone something = buy something for someone= get something for someone
Find it hard = think it is difficult=find it challenging
= don’t think doing something is a piece of cake
Well, I reckon there are all kinds of reasons. One of the explanations might be that the person they are gonna(=going to) gift is extremely hard to please. Maybe they have never liked a single thing they have received or at least that’s how they show it on their face. As well as this, another point could be that they don’t have enough budget for a pricey present, especially if it’s the end of the month, you know, they tend to be skint(身无分文的) and counting the days till the next pay day. Even if they have got their eye on something fancy, chances are they can’t afford it.
I reckon 我猜想
Hard to please 很难取悦
Enough budget for... 有足够的预算/经费
A pricey present 一个昂贵的礼物
The next pay day 发工资的日子
Have got one’s eye on... 看上了...
Describe a toy you got in your childhood.
Part 3
What kind of toys do children like nowadays?
nowadays可以用currently或者in this day and age替换。
I like 我们试试替换下面的词组:
I am so into...
I’m so keen on…
I’m very fond of…
I’m crazy about…
I’m so addicted to…
I’m a huge fan of…
I’m so obsessed with…
I am really interested in ...
I’m so passionate about
I have a great passion for…
I’m so head over heels in love with...
除了替换词以外,在Part3 部分,也不建议大家一定要把男女分的那么清楚,所以我们不需要把children划分成两类,boys和girls分开讲;但可以说some of the children, especially some girls.... ,避免回答给人感觉太尴尬。

Well, that’s a tough question, I mean there are plenty of things kids are keen on nowadays. Perhaps one of the common choices is some electronic device, like a smart phone or something like that. You might not believe it but over here in China, a lot of parents give their kids a phone or an ipad to get them be quiet for a while. Apart from that, some old-fashioned toys might still be popular among the little ones. Like some of the baby girls could still be crazy about their fluffy toy bear or stuff like that.
Part 3 What do you think are the disadvantages of having too many toys at home?
首先我们可以去替换一下题目中的词,比如disadvantages,我们可以用bad things, negative aspects, shortcomings, down sides 甚至side effects 去替换。而having too many toys可以替换成owning far too many things to play with 或者 having more than enough; at home 可以替换成in their houses, indoors.
Well, I’ve never really thought about that, but I suppose there could be some down sides when kids are owning more than enough toys. Perhaps one thing that’s bad about it is children can be put at risk physically since there could be a lot bacteria and germs all over the things they are playing with, especially when you think about how kids love putting their hand or fingers in their own mouth. Apart from that, another negative aspect might be they don’t have enough time and interest in hanging out with other peers. You know, there is a chance they can get too addicted to their own world filled with far too many dolls and stuff like that.
bacteria and germs 细菌
Be put at risk 有风险
Hang out with... 和...... 一起玩
Describe a popular product (e.g. food, handicraft......) made in your region.
Part 3 What food is popular throughout the world?
Food = dishes = cuisines
Be popular with people
= a lot of people are crazy about...
Throughout the world
= all over the world