一句:Parents / can communicate their personal feelings about undesirable programs / both by discouraging their children from watching them / and by writing to their local television station / or to the programs sponsors.
这句重要是注意弱读,弱读除了我们之前说的音调低快速带过之外,还可以通过 schwa 来达成。比如 can,我们可以读成 can /k?n/, from 可以读成 /fr?m/ , and 可以读成 /?n/ , to 读成 /t?/。
第二句:The public does have a voice.
这句话有一个强调结构, does have,所以这里的 does 需要被强调出来,通过提升音调音量的方式。与之类似的是第四句中 We do have a choice。
第三句:Clearly, not all programs need please everybody.
第四句:We do have a choice of programs / and we also have a choice, for ourselves / and at least for our younger children, of watching or not watching.

这里注意have a的连读,连读一般出现在语速较快的时候,所以a一定要快速带过,hav?。For our 也建议能连读的好连起来, fora?r。
第五句:There is an off button on every set!