品质1) 创新:innovation, creation, creativity, being creative.
2) 勤奋:diligence, being diligent,
3) 诚信:honesty, being honest,
4) 独立: independence, being independent
5) 磨刀不误砍柴工:good preparation
教育1) 读书方式: 博览群书 reading extensively,;有选择性地读书 reading
2) 终身学习:lifelong learning
3) 学历证书:certificate, degree, diploma, 深造 further education
4) 教育投资:educational investment
家庭1) 家庭教育、氛围:family education, family atmosphere
2)信任:trust, maintaining trust
网络1) 虚假信息:fake information, 泛滥 flood everywhere
2) 高科技对现代生活学习工作出行方式的影响 the impact of high-
tech on modern life/study/work/ traffic means
3) 信息爆炸: information explosion
环境1) 空气质量: air quality ,
2) 低碳出行:more trees and less cars , less air pollution.
文化1) 传统文化:( loss of 流失) traditional culture
2) 社交
礼仪:social etiquette;
3) 人际交往:interpersonal communication

健康1) 锻炼: take exercise, do exercises, keep fit, health condition
2) 压力:pressure ; 加班 work overtime
3) 体育馆:join a gym, doing physical exercise
交通1) 私家车:ownership of private cars
2) 公共交通:public traffic
毕业1) 出国:study abroad
2) 求职:hunt for a job, find a job
3) 创业:start business, 白手起家 start from bottom, start from scratch
4) 考研:entrance exam for graduate school
科技1) 电子支付:e-payment
2) 电子购物:e-shopping, online-shopping
3) 电子阅读:e-reading, e-books
4) 网上学习:e-learning, online course