“为什么一些人会购买自己不需要的东西?”来读一下这一道native speaker写的Part3答案,积累思路、学习语言!
Why do some people buy things that they don't need?
Well, I suppose most people buy things that they don't necessarilyneed when they think it'll make them feel better. Especially nowadays, when people feel stressed, they seem to be turning to retail therapy, so in shopping centers and department stores, you can find lots of people splashing outat around 5 or 6 PM after work. As well as that, online shopping has gotten so much easier that you can buy something with just one click. I've even read somewhere that 20% of online purchasesare made in the bathroom! So I think those are some reasons why people have been spending more money on non-essential itemsthese days.

necessarily 必然地
feel stressed 感到压力大
turn to sth 寻求...的帮助
retail therapy 购物疗法、花钱买乐
splash out 花很多钱
with just one click 只需轻轻一点鼠标、只需按下一个键
non-essential items 非必需品