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学习经验 考研英语

2019年10月28日 21:29:05
题图 :Tim Mossholder L e t ' s b e g i n (Though often viewed as a problem for western states), the growing frequency of wildfires is a national concern(because of its impact on federal tax dollars), says Professor Max Moritz, a specialist in fire ecology and management. MM是管理森林火灾生态方面的专家,他说,虽然人们经常把森林火灾视为西部各州的问题,但因为它影响到了联邦的税收,所以越来越多的火灾也就引起了全国性的关注。In 2015, the US Forest Service (for the first time) spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annual budget(fighting fires)---nearly double the percentage (it spent on such efforts 20 years ago.)In effect, fewer federal funds today are going towards the agency's other work---such as forest conservation, watershed and cultural resources management, and infrastructure upkeep---that affect the lives of all Americans.
budget : 预算 2015年,美国林业局头一次花了近年度预算(55亿美元)的一半用于火灾救援,这一数字几乎是20年前的两倍之多。 事实上,如今用在处理林业局其他工作的联邦资金减少了(比如森林维护、分水岭、文化资源管理和基础设施建设),而这些是会影响美国人民日常生活的。Another nationwide concern is whether public funds (from other agencies)are going into construction(in fire-prone districts). As Moritzputs it, how often are federal dollars building homes[that are likely to be lost(to a wildfire?)]
construction : thebuilding of sth, especially a large structure such as ahouse, road, or bridge.
prone : likely to dosth or be affected by sth, espeically sth bad.
district :oneof the areas into which a town or country is divided for official purposes.
put it :say it. 另外一个引起全国关注的问题是,来自其他部门的公共资金是否会用于火灾易发区的建设。 就如MM所说,我们用联邦资金建的那些房子有多大可能被一场大火烧毁?“It’s already a huge problem (from a public expenditure perspective) for the whole country,” he says. We need to take a magnifying glass to that. Like, “Wait a minute, is this OK?” “Do we want (instead) to redirect those funds to concentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape?”
magnifying glass : 放大镜
hazard : sth that is potentially very dangerous. 他接着说,“从公共开支角度来看,它对整个国家来说,已经变成了一个很严重的问题”。 所以我们要认真对待这件事儿。 比如多问问“等下,这样做可以么? ”“我们是不是要把这些钱重新投到那些风险较低的土地上? ”Such a view would require a corresponding shift (in the way /US society today views fire), researchers say.
学者们说,这种观点需要当今的美国社会对火灾的看法做出相应的改变。For one thing, conversations(about wildfires) need to be more inclusive. Over the past decade, the focus has been on climate change---how the warming of the Earth(from greenhouse gases) is leading to conditions (that worsen fires.)
inclusive : including many things or everything.
exclusive:only available to or used by one person, group, or organization.
conclusive : proving sth, and allowing no doubt or confusion. 首先,对火灾的讨论要更加全面。 在过去的十年间,焦点一直在气候变化上---温室气体导致的全球变暖是怎么创造出了更易发生火灾的条件。While climate is a key element, Moritz says, it shouldn’t come at the expense of the rest of the equation.
at the expense of : 以...为代价
equation : a problem or situation in whichseveral things must be considered and dealt with. MM说,虽然气候是一个关键因素,但也不应该忽视了其他同样重要的因素(备:不应该以忽视其他因素作为代价)。“The human systems and the landscapes (we live on) are linked, and the interactions go both ways," he says. Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to "an overly simplified view (of what the solutions might be).Our perception (of the problem and of what the solution) is becomes very limited.”

他说,人类和生活的这片土地是有联系的,并且是相互影响的。 他提到如果没有认识到这一点,就会把解决方法想的太过简单。 我们对问题的认识,对解决方法的认识也会变的很局限。At the same time, people continue to treat fire as an event(that needs to be wholly controlled /and unleashed onlyout of necessity), says Professor Balch at the University of Colorado. But acknowledging fire's inevitable presence in human life is an attitude [(crucial to developing the laws, policies, and practices)that make it as safe as possible], she says.
unleash : to allowsomeone or sth to be free when they were previously strictly controlled.
out of necessity :出于必要
科罗拉多大学的B教授说,同时,人们还是把火当作是一种需要被完全控制的事物,只有在必要的时才能松一松。 但承认火灾是人类生活中不可避免的这种态度,对于制定法律、政策,并确保能安全实施尤为关键。“We’ve disconnected ourselves from living with fire,” Balch says. “It is really important to understandand/try and tease out what is the human connection with fire today.”
tease out : 梳理B教授继续说道:“我们与火灾的关系越来越远(备:我们已经把自己的生活与火灾分离),理解并且努力梳理人与火灾的关系就变得非常重要”。
It is not your aptitude but your attitude that decides your altitude.



