A time you enjoyed an indoor game.
You should say:
What this game wasWhen and where you played this game
How you played this gameAnd explain why you enjoyed playing it
1. 这是一道经历题,讲述的是你某次玩室内游戏的过程。Indoor game可以联想到各种桌游board games, 密室逃脱escape room,飞行棋 aeroplane chess/Ludo, 桌上
足球 table football, 保龄球 balling, 室箭 indoor archery等
2. 然后按照故事的时间顺序,简要说明时间地点与人物,然后讲述游戏的规则、过程和结局(谁赢了)。在解释规则时不需要太细致,只需要大概说明怎样算赢即可。
3. 在讲述故事时,加入自己的感想与情绪,如果能有一定的起伏,比如产生了“惊讶的”“幸运的”“不幸的”之类的反转,则更吸引听众。
Okay I’d like to talk about my experience of playing an indoor game.It’s quite a funny and surprising experience really.
That was about a month ago and I went archery with my friends on my day off. It was an indoor archery club and everything was on the lower ground floor. so it’s easier than the archery outdoor because there’s no wind.

All of us were beginners and we wanted to have a trial first. So we booked this place for just one hour and requested a trainer who could show us how to do it.
And after some instructions, we were ready to go. And all of us tried for the first round. It was normal, none of us got anything above 5. So we felt like we were on the same level and thus could have a competition.
But then, something funny just happened. In the second round, for I-don’t -know-what reason, I got every arrow stuck accurately on 8 or 9 or even 10. My friends were really shocked and they even stopped to watch me shooting. And it’s such a surprise that I started to shoot like a professional even though all I did was just to follow the instructions my trainer gave. So, in the end, I won the competition of course, but I still don’t get why I could do it so well.
So yeah, after that day, I began to fall in love with archery and I did several trainings afterwards. I think it’s really fun to try out new sports or games, sometimes you may just release your potential and find a new hobby.