Phrase: miserable after hearing the announcement of divorce news ;
For example: old as he is, he never become miserable confronting challenges with much confidence and courage.
Broken-hearted; dejected;depressed;
desolate; despondent;disconsolate;
distressed; doleful;down; downcast;
forlorn; down-hearted;gloomy;
glum; grief-stricken; heartbroken;
joyless; lonely;melancholy;
moping; mournful;tearful;
uneasy; unfortunate;unhappy;
unlucky; wretched;woebegone;
destitute; disgraceful;distressing;

heart-breaking; hopeless;impoverished;
inhuman; pathetic;pitiable; pitiful;
poor; sordid, soul-destroying; squalid;
uncivilized; uncomfortable; vile; worthless;
Opposite: happy; affluent;
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