A Strange Disease奇怪的疾病
When theconstructionof thefireworkfactory came to the stage of painting, apumpwas put in. Then, all thepainters in theneighbourhoodweredefeated by aseveredisease whosecharacteristicwasaliketo that of a bad burn.
Anexpert physicianwasinstructed toattendto thevictims andhandlethis case. He wasenthusiastic, but he didn'tforeseethat it was a hardchallenge. After simpleenquiry, heannounced that thepolluted paint was toblame. But withoutpositiveevidence, peoplesuspected andrejected his view, saying the theory heput forward made no sense.
Being much morestrict withhimself, hecontributed himself to the case.Apart frommaking enquiries, he made detailedcharts andanalysed the datacautiously. Finally, hedrew a scientific conclusion,linking the disease to theradiumin the pump.Exposedtoradium, a kind of radioactive material in theuniverse, peopleabsorbed radiation and got sick immediately.
Spinning the pumpbackward, he took away the radium. This simplemovement cured all the victims.