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学习经验 考研英语

2019年10月16日 08:44:54
231.drop by/in顺便(或偶然)访问 I've got to drop by the shop to do some shopping. 我得顺便到商店去买点东西。She and Danny will drop by later 她和丹尼一会儿要来坐坐。 232.drop off 下降,减少;睡着,入睡;让(...)下车,把...放下 The membership of the club began to drop off.(减少) 这个俱乐部会员开始减少。She was so tired that she dropped off in front of the television.(睡着,入睡) 她很疲倦,在看电视时打盹。
Drop me off at next stop.(让...下车) 请让我在下一个站下车。 233.drop out 退出,退学 She has dropped out of politics. 她已退出政界。Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs. 中学辍学的青少年难找工作。 234.dry out (使)干透 We have left the paint to dry out. 我们让油漆变干。You should let the wood dry out. 你应让那块木料干透。 235.due to 由于,因为 It is not easy to dig a hole in this piece of land due to roots. 在这块地上挖洞不容易,因为有树根。 eager for/after渴求... The poor are always eager for/after (having) a good life. 贫穷的人们总是渴求过上好的生活。

I am eager for/after being a dancer. 我渴望自己能够成为一个舞蹈家。 economical of 节俭,节约 The man is economical of his time. 这人很节约时间。He is economical of money and time. 他既节约时间又节约钱。 238.have effect on 对...的作用 The medicine has effect on curing you of your cold. 这种药能治疗你的感冒。 239.put/lay/place emphasis on 对...的强调,注重 He put/laid/placed great emphasis on the importance of family life and ties. 他非常家庭生活和家人之间的关系。That school puts particular emphasis on arithmetic and reading. 那所学校侧重算术和阅读。 240.encounter with 遭遇,遇到 I would like to tell you the story of my encounter with Judy. 我想要跟你讲讲我遇见茱迪的故事。I encountered with lots of kind people in Beijing. 我在北京遇到了很多好心人。Hemingway encountered with sufferings in his lifetime. 的一生中遭遇了很多苦难。



