托福essay写作中经常出现的一个错误:连写句。 在批改同学们作业的时候,我经常遇到这样的句子 On the surface, the recycling 常见的特征是用逗号或者不用标点符号连接两个语法成分完整的句子。 On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste it seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. 一个句子前后两部分内容本身都是句子成分完整的句子。
为了将这个病句修改成语确的句子,我们有三种常见的方法。 一种:用句号或者分号隔开两个独立的句子。 On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste. It seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste; it seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. 第二种:用逻辑连词连接两个独立的句子。 On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste, and it seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste, so it seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. 这里要给大家补充一下 Essay写作当中常见的连词:and, but, or, for,so, yet。
换句话说,除此之外的一些大家常见的单词并不是连词,比如 however, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, thus, therefore, still, also, indeed, furthermore, nevertheless, consequently, instead, otherwise, then。 这些单词都是副词。 副词不能连接两个完整的句子,使用它们的时候要用句号或者分号隔开前面的句子,并在副词的后面添加逗号,然后再写第二个句子的剩余部分。 On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste, therefore it seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. 所以,以上句子中therefore的使用是错误的。
正确使用方式如下: On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste; therefore, it seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste. Therefore, it seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound. 第三种:将两个句子改成有主句和从句的复合句。 On the surface, the recycling of used clothes means old garments don’t go to waste, which seems like a “win-win” situation that couldn’t be more ethically sound.