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学习经验 托福

2019年10月16日 15:19:24
Are the communication skills the most important quality of a politician or leader?
1 让团队成员信服自己,树立威信;
2 团结成员,让大家努力工作,贡献智慧;
3 让民众更好的理解政策,拥戴政策;
1 专业知识和技能:
2 正直;
To be an effective leader or a popular politician, one needs various kinds of qualities and skills. Among all these qualities and skills, the ability to communicate is often regarded as the most significant one. In my mind, however, there are other qualities that are way much more important than communication skills.
Admittedly, to communicate effectively is an essential quality that all leaders and politicians need. For leaders, they not only have to understand each member’s thoughts, but also persuade members to support and carry out the plan. For politicians, the key to success is to clearly explain their political stance and win citizens’ advocacy. Without excellent communication skills, how can a leader or a politician achieve these? Therefore, to improve communication skills is a must for everyone who wants to become a leader or a politician.

But, is this enough? In fact, what makes one a successful leader or politician is not communication skills, but professional knowledge and sense of integrity. To begin with, a leader needs professional knowledge to make plans and evaluate his team members. In any domain, a team cannot achieve success without members’ professional knowledge and dedication. As a leader, he might be not the most knowledgeable one in the team, but he at least needs the ability to assess and analyze. Otherwise, no matter how hard he tries to communicate with others, he simply cannot make a judgment. For example, the principal of a school should have perfect knowledge and insight in education, so as to recruit teachers and arrange courses for students.
Secondly, sense of integrity is what a responsible politician needs most. While making policies, the politician should give priority to benefits of most people, and resist temptation of personal interests. The good police is the one that can bring citizens wellbeing, but not the one that can help the politician promote or earn money, though citizens’ supports and appreciation will later in turn help him achieve success. To abide by this principle, a politician needs strong sense of integrity and responsibility. On the contrary, when he loses such quality and chooses to put his own benefits before everything, he cannot win trust from people, though he can speak eloquently in front of the public.
To sum up, communication skills are crucial for a leader and a politician to be successful, but these are not the most important quality. To succeed, leaders and politicians actually need professional and sense of integrity most.



