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学习经验 雅思

2019年10月16日 15:08:08
1. What is the importance of time?
Well,I think time is very important. Indeed, we are all living in a world where the time is becoming more and more precious. It is very hard to imagine how someone can survive without knowing how to cherish time. And obviously,time has become the priority number one when it comes to almost everything and we are going nowhere without it! It is not too much to say time has already become one of the very few things that can, t be measured in terms of money!
2. When do you think time goes fast and when do you think time goes slow?
As the saying goes “Time always flies when you having fun!” say, when you are doing something you are crazy about,you are gonna think time goes really fast;conversely, you are gonna think time is dragging when you are dealing with something you are sick of. For example,I am a big fan of dancing, so I think time is cruising every time when I hang out dancing clubs dance with my buddies?

3. What is your busiest time in the whole day?
That would be in the morning. You know,I only have one hour to get everything ready for work:struggling to get up by the annoying alarm clock,getting dressed with my eyes closed,grabbing a quick bite while rushing into the teeny,tiny apartment with all the guys jammed like sardines!
4. Which time of the day do you like best? 一天中你很喜欢哪段时间? I like morning. Morning is the start of a totally new day or even a new life. There is an old saying that "he most important time of day is morning" After a sound sleep,I’m always at my best in the morning. 我喜欢早上。早上是崭新的一天甚至是一个新生命的开始。一句老的格言说道“一日之计在于晨”。充分的睡眠之后,早上总是我状态很好的时候。
5. What do you usually do at night? 你晚上通常都做什么? Generally speaking,I usually stay at home, hitting the books.You know,I got a really big fish to fry now! It is taking IELTS. Hopefully I can get a high mark and go abroad pretty soon. But it really depends. As the saying goes “All work and no play makes Jack a doll boy!” So I think I deserve having some time to get relaxed. So when it comes to the weekend,I usually hang out in pubs or clubs with my buddies and paint the townred! —般来说,我通常都待在家里啃书。我现在还有一件天大的事要完成呢!那就是参加雅思考试。真希望我可以拿个高分,然后能马上就出国。但是这也要看情况,就像俗语所云:整天工作、没有娱乐会使人变成的!所以我认为我也需要一点放松的时间。因此每到周末,我通常都会和我的朋友去酒吧或者倶乐部狂欢。
6. Why do you like going to clubs at night? 你为什么喜欢晚上去俱乐部呢? Well,you know, we are living in a world where the competition is getting fiercer. It is hard to imagine what it would be like without knowing how to relax. And certainly, hanging out in clubs is a good way to relax. So this is why I am a big fan of it. 嗯,大家都知道,我们生活在一个竞争越来越激烈的世界。几乎很难想象一个人如果不懂得如何放松的话,他会变成什么样。显然,去俱乐部是一种放松的合适方式,因此这就是我作为一个俱乐部迷的原因。分享 声明:我们尊重版权,也乐于分享



