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学习经验 四级六级考试

2019年10月18日 09:13:38
With the rapid development of the Internet and instant messenger, we cancommunicate with others via written words or emoticons, but the significance of speaking ability never diminishes and still helps us in all areas of life. To start with, good verbal skills are important for career success. Employers have always valued the ability to speak well, and a good communicator is easier to stand out from the rest, gaining more opportunities for promotion. In addition, well-developed speaking ability can increase one ' s negotiation skills, which is essential in most types of jobs.

Dramatically, a powerful publie speech can even save a country and revolutionise the society. Prime examples are Song Meiling's speech to the US congress in 1943 and Martin Luther King's "I have a dream". Developing speaking ability is not as hard as most people think For university students, doing presentations in class and taking part in debate contests are the most pracical ways accsisble. Besides, regular practice helps studens conquer the nervousness and anxiety of publicspeaking. So practise more if your want to euhance you speaking ability.
参考译文: 随着互联网和即时通讯技术的迅猛发展,我们可以通过文字、表情符号与他人交流,然而口语表达能力的重要性从未减弱,而且在生活的各个方面仍对我们有所帮助。 首先,良好的语言表达能力对事业的成功至关重要。雇主们一向口语表达能力,善于沟通的人更易脱颖而出,获得更多的晋升机会。此外,良好的表达能力可以提升一个人的谈判技巧,这对于大多数工种来说是必不可少的。戏剧性的是,一次极具感染力的公开演讲甚至可以拯救一个国家的命运,并使社会发生变革。



