Both firms had a vital interest in collecting as much information as possible about their users – and everyone whom their users knew, on or off the network – and helping marketers to use it.
【难点词汇】 词汇vital adj. 重要的,重大的
interest n. 利益;兴趣
on or off the network 在线上或线下
marketer n. 营销人员
【结构解析】1. 句子主干为主谓宾结构,即:Both firms/ had/ a vital interest in ….; in collecting …. to use it 为介词短语,为修饰成分,表“在……方面”。
2. about 的两个宾语为their users 和everyone whom their users knew
3. …in collecting … and helping … 之中的and连接介词in的并列宾语 collecting 和helping

参考译文 翻译两家公司在两个方面都有着重大的利益:尽可能多地搜集用户信息——以及他们的用户在线上或线下认识的所有人的信息,然后帮助他们的营销人员使用这些信息。
今日句子However the blame is distributed, the central fact remains that these private companies have been able to embark on a programme of data collection that no government outside China has been able to undertake.