一、 GMAT SC平行对称(not only...but also, either...or等)
1、形式对称,指平行并列连接词前后的词形式(V-ing,to do,V原等)上完全对称。
2、概念对等,指概念要对等,就名词而言,特指对特指,抽象对抽象,具体对具体。例如,Reversals , the onset, …. And eruption显然是由动词的抽象名词词形的并列。
3、功能相同,有些特殊题目无法做到形式对称也只能退一步保证功能相同如:A giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and root like tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest. 本题中出现了and本来要求前后形式对称。但基于客观事实,产生是被动的而周边延伸却是主动做出的,所以本题选的是extending.虽然形式上不对称.但功能上却是相同的,因为都是分词。
二、 GMAT SC指代清楚
it the this that they these those he she等词的单复数问题,有无指代问题指代是否明确问题,逻辑问题,不能有任何歧义。
例如:The results of the company’s cost-cutting measures are evident in its profits, which increased 5 percent during the first 3 months of this year after it fell over the last two years.
A、which increased 5 percent during the first 3 months of this year after it fell
B、which had increased 5 percent during the first 3 months of this year after it had fallen
C、which have increased 5 percent during the first 3 months of this year after falling
D、with a 5 percent increase during the first 3 months of this year after falling
E、with a 5 percent increase during the first 3 months of this year after having fallen
A、B选项中这里的it指代红色部分哪部分不清楚, 据句子大意, 应是代指profits, 但是单复数是不一致的,所以A、B都为错误选项。
三、 GMAT SC单复数一致
Scientists have recently found evidence that black holes—regions of space in which matter is so concentrated and the pull of gravity so powerful that nothing, not even light, can emerge from them—probably exist at the core of nearly all galaxies and the mass of each black hole is proportional to its host galaxy.
A、exist at the core of nearly all galaxies and the mass of each black hole is proportional to
B、exist at the core of nearly all galaxies and that the mass of each black hole is proportional to that of
C、exist at the core of nearly all galaxies, and that the mass of each black hole is proportional t
D、exists at the core of nearly all galaxies, and that the mass of each black hole is proportional to that of
E、exists at the core of nearly all galaxies and the mass of each black hole is proportional to that of
四、 GMAT SC时态正确

五、 GMAT SC简洁无歧义
1、 词义重叠,比如 annual,year; could,possibility不能重复使用。
2、 结构多余或累赘,比如not any要改为no。
3、 形容词修饰名词比用that从句简洁。
4、 ing分词和which从句哪个适合,要看是否有歧义;首先,有一个总的原则,就是which在GMAT中只能是就近指代邻近的名词,但是并不**,比如the trees planted in park which are at risk..... 那么这里which就可以不遵循就近指代的原则,去跳跃指代trees。通常which和that一样,是可以跳过分词结构或者介词结构去指代前面的核心名词的,但是不要这样,总的原则还是就近指代。而“V-ing”这个结构,经常考四种用法:
六、 GMAT SC句意完整不变
1、 主题词不能随意改变,否则句意改变。
2、 表示让步语气,比如,however,despite,no matter how等一般不能省。
3、 May/might等情态动词少了,句意可能发生改变。
4、 双重否定等一般不可省略。
5、 表示程度的副词just,some不可随便或添。