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学习经验 四级六级考试

2019年10月21日 15:52:25
Part IV Translation (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese to English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.
1.灯笼(The lantern)起源于(originated in)东汉(the Eastern Han Dynasty),(at first)主要(mostly,放在动词后)用于(过去被动时,was used for)照明(lighting)。(非限定性定语从句用which引导)
The lantern originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was used mostly for lighting at first.
2.在唐代(During the Tang Dynasty),人们(people)用(过去时,used)红灯笼(red lantern)来庆祝(to celebrate)安定的(a stable)生活(life)。
During the Tang Dynasty, people used red lanterns to celebrate a stable life.
3.从那时起(Since then),灯笼(种类用复数,lanterns)在的许多地方(地点状语后置,in many parts of China)流行起来(become popular)。
Since then, lanterns have become popular in many parts of China.
4.灯笼(Lanterns)通常用(are usually)色彩鲜艳的薄纸(状语后置,brightly colored thin paper) 制作(made of),形状(shapes)和(and)尺寸(sizes)各异(前置,in a variety of)。

Lanterns are usually made of brightly colored thin paper in a variety of shapes and sizes.
5.在(在...中,In)传统文化(Chinese traditional culture)中,红灯笼(red lantern)象征(symbolize)生活美满(the happiness of life)和(and)生意兴隆(the prosperity of business),通常(usually)在春节、元宵节和国庆等节日期间(在...期间,during 后置,during the Spring Festival,the Lantern Festival and the National Day) 悬挂(过去时,hung on)。
In traditional Chinese culture, red lanterns symbolize the happiness of life and the prosperity of business,uaually, lanterns are hung during the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival and the National Day.
6.如今(Today),世界上许多其他地方(状语后置,in many other places of the world)也能(could also)看到(被动,be seen)红灯笼(前置,red lantern)。
Today, red lanterns can also be seen in many other places of the world.
The lantern originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was used mostly for lighting at first. During the Tang Dynasty, people used red lanterns to celebrate a stable life. Since then, lanterns have become popular in many parts of China. Lanterns are usually made of brightly colored thin paper in a variety of shapes and sizes. In traditional Chinese culture, red lanterns symbolize the happiness of life and the prosperity of business. Usually, lanterns are hung during the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival and the National Day. Today, red lanterns can also be seen in many other places of the world.



