Q:Do you like your own voice?
A: To be honest, I would say that I’m not really keen on my own voice. The main reason is probably that I produce and hear my own voice every day, so it’s just too familiar to be attractive to myself. However, it actually sounds younger than my real age, which is perhaps the only advantage that I feel relieved.
keen on 喜欢
too...to... 太。。而不能
relieved 安慰的
Q: Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?
A: If I don’t like my own voice, I definitely refuse to record and listen to it because it even sounds worse and triggers my goose bumps. But I have to admit that the almighty technology today could magically make my voice much softer and more magnetic by using some software with the function of sound mixing and optimization.
trigger 引发,触发
goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩
almighty 无所不能的
magically 魔法般地
magnetic 有磁性的
sound mixing and optimization 声音合成与优化
Q: Has your voice ever changed?
A: Of course, everyone will experience a period called "voice breaking" when girls’ voices become soft and sharp while boys’become solid and bold. And I’m no exception. Actually, my voice also changes as per my feeling. Like for instance, it soundswarm and bright when I’m happy and confident. However, if I’m depressed, my voice will become a little bit cold and gloomy.
voice breaking 变声
solid and bold (声音)雄厚有力
depressed 沮丧的cold and gloomy 阴冷的

voice 声音,一般指人的说话声,嗓音。短语 speak in a low voice 低声说raise one's voice 提高声音sound 声音 可以指来自大自然的各种声音,特别指优美动听的声音,也可以指响声,响动。比如鸟鸣声,林涛声,波浪声,音乐声等。noise 声音,多指噪音。例如 the pollution of city noise城市噪音污染短语 make a noise/make noises 制造噪音,喧哗
声 sound, voice, tone
声张 to make public
声誉 reputation, prestige
声言 to proclaim, to announce
声势 power, impetus
声乐 vocal music
声调 tone
声称 to claim
回声 echo
呼吁 to appeal, to cry, to call on
吼声 roar
呻吟 groan
嘘声 hisses, catcalls
啸声 a whistling sound
相声 cross talk
无声 noiseless, silent
雷鸣声 the roll of thunder
大声反对 cry out agains
应声去开门 answer the doorbell