“Everybody now has career paths that are different than their dads were, everyone needs portable benefits, not just sharing economy workers,” said Steve Case, the entrepreneur, chiming in from the audience. On top of the challenges of finding benefits, these workers also face a lack of ongoing investment in the furthering of their careers from both their employers and the government.
career path职业规划,职业道路
portableadj. 便携式的;轻便可转移的
benefitsn. 福利;奖金
sharing economy分享经济,共享经济
entrepreneurn. 创业者,企业家

chim in插嘴,打断谈话
on top of …另外;在……之上
lackn. 短缺
ongoingadj. 持续存在的
investmentn. 投资
furtherv. 促进,增长
企业家Steve Case从观众席中插话道,“如今,大家都有不同于父辈的职业发展道路,也需要灵活可延续的福利,这一点不是共享经济的从业者独有的。”除了为自己争取福利方面的挑战外,这些人同样面临一个问题:雇主和对其职业深造的后续投资不足。