1. Read with and to your child everyday. 每天陪你的宝宝一起读英语
2. Teach them how to read slowly by first teaching them their name and helping them recognize that letters form a word. 教你的宝宝怎样慢慢的读,从读宝宝自己的名字开始(给你的宝宝起个 英文名字吧),让他们意识到字母组成一个单词。
3. Use phonics to promote phonetic awareness (that letters represent sounds).拼读语音,提升宝宝的语音意识(字母所代表的声音)
4. Be patient. 保持耐心(这个非常重要)
5. Play with them, play catch, go to the park, and say the names of things as you go along. 和他们一起玩,玩接球(所有宝宝都喜欢),去公园,边玩边说东西的名字
6. Sing often with your child. 经常陪你的宝宝唱歌( 英语歌)
7. Read in front of your child. Children love to imitate their parents. 对着你的宝宝阅读,宝宝都喜欢模仿他们的父母
8. Let them choose the books they want to read with you. 让他们自己选择喜欢阅读的书
9. As you read with your children, first read the sentences, and ask them to repeat after you. 当你给你的宝宝读读书时,你先读一句,然后让你的宝宝复述一遍
10. Praise your child for their progress, even a little praise goes along way. 表扬孩子的进步,即使是一点点的表扬也会有帮助。