商务英语(Business English)-薪水谈判才是重中之重。当然也处处是谈判(negotiation),比如薪水谈判(salary negotiation)、商业谈判(business negotiation)等,每一个人都会把一次谈判视为一次挑战(challenge),因为谈判的结果有可能会影响(affect)你的生活工作,甚至是未来(future)。当然每个人的弱势也可能是谈判,如果谈判都呢么简单的话,那世界上岂不是谁都是马云了。所以每个人都不是完美的(prefect),不过可以让我们庆幸的事情在于我们有足够的时间(time)、精力(energy)和知识(knowledge)来丰富和提高(improve)自己。那么,今天让我们来学学如何与别人进行谈判吧!希望可以帮助到你。
1.Despite the fact that the compamy didn't make a large profit last quarter,I believe I deserve a vacation for all my hard work.
2.I realize that we just hired three new employees.All the same.I really think I should get a raise this year.
3.Taking into account that my sales are the highest of anyone on our team.I feel that I should get the corner office.

4.Considering how long I have worked for this company,I think I should be promoted to a managerial position.
当然,任何谈判的目的都是为了实现共赢,而不是为了争个你死我活,如果太激进的话,那么任何一个谈判你都不会成功。(Of course,the proposal of the business negotiation is to have a win-win situation,it's not a fight to the death,if you are too aggressive, you will not succeed in any negotiation. )付出和收获永远都会成正比,请在努力的前提下继续前进。